Thursday 27 March 2014


Just clearing some things in the bedroom and I came across our 20 week scan picture....

Then I noticed it was taken exactly a year ago today! I can't tell you how fast that has gone! I can't believe since this pictures we have become a family of 5,   we've been on 2 holidays, celebrated The Golden Child's 3rd birthday and peanuts 5th birthday, my husband has almost completed one degree and is halfway through another, we've had sad losses and ridiculously happy times! I've personally probably walked about a thousand miles just on school runs, washed the equivilanet of about 900 nappies if not more and lost about 350 hours of sleep!!!!

How amazing the amount of memories one little picture can stir up!

Teething Bling Review and Giveaway

One thing I've learned with 3 children is this... THEY WILL PULL/CHEW/PLAY WITH YOUR NECKLACE. With this in mind I was really pleased to have the chance to review a lovely pendant from Teething Bling.

What They Say

Teething Bling is a safe teething product that allows moms to easily entertain and sooth their babies with emerging teeth. Teething Bling is committed to providing safe, effective teething products with no harmful chemicals. Our products are safe for curious babies to handle and chew

What We Say

It's a fab idea and works really well, Termite loved to play with it whilst breast feeding and she really puts it through its paces when she starts gnawing on it. I like how simple it looks, its not a fussy style and because I chose the black it goes with almost everything.

What We Love

It does exactly what its meant to, its good for teething and for playing and its great entertainment when we are out for coffee or waiting in the doctors etc, Its super safe with no nasties in it and has a lovely safety catch that snaps open under pressure.

Room for Improvement

Honestly nothing at all, it is exactly what it needs to be

You can show some love for Teething Bling  on Facebook or Twitter and you can buy from their huge range here 

We also have a lovely pendant to give away, to be in with a chance of winning just fill out the rafflecopter entries below. A winner will be drawn from all the CORRECT ENTRIES
Family Fever

  a Rafflecopter giveaway

Guest Posts

This week I've been lucky enough to have some of my recipes included in some great blogs, why not pop over and have a look. I'm featured on ....

 Emmys Mummy

Thankful Thursday Week 13

Welcome back to my weekly linky for us all to share our silver linings, brags, boasts or just something that made us smile. Be it a picture, a word, a sentence or a great big essay lets share what we are thankful for this week. It can be a new post just for this linky, a picture, a video, one word or a thousand this linky is all about thankfulness so whatever has made you grateful this week I would love to know
If you would like to link up I would  love for you to grab the badge below and spread a little linky love to some of the others taking part, and don't forget to spread the word, invite lots of people and help me grow this and make Thursdays a happier place.It was lovely to see more of you last week and I'm grateful to you all for joining in.

This week I'm Thankful that I'm a stay at home Mum, we have been back and forth to the school, for different events, add in swimming lessons, concerts, bonnet parades and all the groups we attend, I genuiely do not know how we would manage if I was still going to work! I really would have missed out on a lot because of the nature and location of my work. So to all you working Mums out there you are super-heroes I don't know how you do it but you all rock!

Adventures Of A Monkeyfooted Mummy

Wednesday 26 March 2014

Termites tales - 7 Months

Check me out, I'm 7 months I have two WHOLE teeth, and I can eat....A Lot!

This month I have been learning to roll with purpose and direction and I've mastered moving backwards! Mummy says I look like a demented caterpillar. Honestly sometimes shes just mean. I have found that the world can be quite frustrating just recently. I think this is because i have these ideas on what I want to do and where I want to go, but my body doesnt seem to work properly, I can't make it do the things that Peanut and The Golden Child seem to do, they make that talking noise and Mummy understands them, they can also move themselves about better than me.

Peanut makes me laugh a lot, Mummmy doesnt quite understand but I giggle everytime I see her she makes me so happy, and The Golden Child, well he will spend hours entertaining me just this week he hid in a box and pretended to be the dog from Room on The Broom over and over again whilst telling me the story, oh I laughed and laughed, then he jumped out too fast and he scared me so I cried, its ok though Mummy picked me up and The Golden Child gave me a lovely cuddle.

So Mummy has been letting me try lots and lots of new things  I've had Greek Salad, Chicken Fajita, Melon, spagetti Bolognese, Rice Salad and mummy's Coleslaw and it was all yummy.

It'll be my christening soon and I'm too wear a lovely old vintage gown that my great great great nana was Christened in!

Mummy says the things she has loved the most this month is our Baby hawk Mei Tei. It's on loan to us from Ak at and mummy loves it so much she's trying to save up to buy a new one. She has mastered the art of back carrying so she pops me on her back while she makes dinner and clears up or helps Peanut with homework and to be honest I'm normally so comfortable I fall asleep for a wee catnap giving me just enough energy to get through dinner then bath time and then I'm normally ready to go to bed!

Mummy has started to think I might have something called silent reflux and that's why I have been so uncomfortable on a night, she told Daddy that she can't believe they spent so long with the golden child having reflux and it never dawned on her that this could be my problem, so she is taking me to the doctors soon for a check up.

See you next month


Saturday 22 March 2014

Musings of the Monkeyfooted Mini's

Mammy mammy a paper cut a paper cut!
Oh no said I (secretly thinking how strange they know what that is!) show mammy. 

So my Golden Child takes me by the hand to the kitchen?!?!? There  he and his sister solemnly point to the light? 'It's not working' .... Ah you mean A Power Cut! 

My little physicists !

Friday 21 March 2014

In The Blink of an Eye

'I think it's time you went to the docs' said I to Spartacus, 'why?' He replied in the tone I know means he's just not listening! 'Because I'm beginning to think 4 is a good number of children for me to have' ... 

This was the conversation that started me thinking about where the last 7 months has gone, how much I loved my third pregnancy and wondering if that feeling to keep going ever goes away? That's when I remembered writing the following guest post for My Buggy Junction and it made me smile it really is one of my favourite posts and was posted exactly 7 months ago, just three days before the arrival of my Termite.... 

Endings and Beginings 

As I come to the End of my third pregnancy there are lots of jumbled thoughts in my head, which some of you may empathise with, relate to or may have never considered.

I'm now 40 + 6 so technically I'm overdue although I fully believe that women grow babies differently and until someone can come up with the exact science of how long it actually takes, I won't consider myself 'Late' until 42 weeks and even then I will be reluctant to say yes to an induction unless there is a real medical need.

Anyhow I have digressed. Because this is my third and because so many people have told me the super quickness and earliness of their third babies, I have spent around 3 weeks getting into bed every evening with the expectation that tonight is the night. I've woken up every morning with a slight disappointment that actually my 'Termite' is not yet here to meet us, but also a relief that I have
A; Had another full night of sleep to prepare,
B have had another full day of devoting time to my two older children before mummy is all wrapped up in new baby maintenance, and
C; I've not yet got to worry about the logistics of 3 children under 5, 2 of whom are starting new schools in a matter of weeks!

Other surprising thoughts which are distinctly different to my other two pregnancies are that actually, I love this secret bond between me and my termite, I'm the only one who knows his/her every move, routine and the things that make s/he jump, dance and get hiccups. I've always wanted a big family but three is our number so these final days really are my last chance to wallow in the loveliness of this secret bond.

When I was pregnant first time, I thought it silly to hear people tell me to rest, why would I want to rest when soon I would have no time to myself, I wanted to squeeze everything possible into the time my husband had before our lives changed forever, Second time, pregnant when our daughter was 9 to 18 Months I could appreciate the sentiment of resting but rarely got the time. This third time, it seems so much more important, I need to be at my best to provide for a newborn and support a 3 and 4 year old through the beginnings of their new school journey, not to mention be the mum they are used to. She who has the time and patience to cook, craft and create. So I find myself retiring to my boudoir when they go to theirs. 8pm bedtimes really are a little bit of luxury in my fantastic rock and roll lifestyle.

I'm also much more casual than I was previously, the nursery has only been finished a few weeks, I still haven't unpacked all the things that should be in there, I've not written a birth plan, but none of these things seem so important, I know that all termite needs is food love and comfort, we don't need a swanky new nursery or a million gadgets we are in fact already prepared by just being a loving family and having some clothes and nappies!

So I guess as I come to the very beginning of a new stage in our family my biggest revelation is this.. there is just no point in sweating the small stuff, and to be honest the big stuff is just going to have to sort itself out around our lovely family. So no matter where in your pregnancy or which pregnancy you are onto I hope you get a chance to wallow in the loveliness that is growing a baby and growing your family, and as hard as it is, try to see the silver lining in every day you go over as an extra day for sleep, relaxation, bonding, preparation or just a chance to paint your nails!

Wednesday 19 March 2014

Thankful Thursday Week 12

This is my weekly linky for us all to share our silver linings, brags, boasts or just something that made us smile. Be it a picture, a word, a sentence or a great big essay lets share what we are thankful for this week. It can be a new post just for this linky, a picture, a video, one word or a thousand this linky is all about thankfulness so whatever has made you grateful this week I would love to know
If you would like to link up I would  love for you to grab the badge below and spread a little linky love to some of the others taking part, and don't forget to spread the word, invite lots of people and help me grow this and make Thursdays a happier place.
This week I'm giving Thanks for my children, it goes without saying that I'm grateful for my babies, but I just want to say it here, my kids make me laugh every day, I love how kind and smart and funny they are, and even on the hardest most sleep deprived, stressful, busy frantic day... They always give me something to smile about.

Adventures Of A Monkeyfooted Mummy

Heal Gel Eye Review

16 weeks of broken sleep and a run of poorliness has left me somewhat dark in the eye area....

So when I was asked if I wanted to test the latest in eye care creams, a solution for the problem of dark circles. I replied YES PLEASE I NEED  HELP!

What They Say ...

HealGel Eye is an advanced corrective formula designed to condition and lift the delicate eye area.  
HealGel Eye is a peerless anti-ageing formula that can help to diminish the appearance of dark circles, puffiness and fine lines.  Refreshing and lightweight it provides a perfect base for make-up or a pick-me-up for tired eyes so that you can look well-rested even if you’re not. 
Like HealGel Intensive, HealGel Eye contains Arnica and Madecassoside which are suspended in liposomes with powerful peptides and biodynes to initiate a uniquely soothing and collagen boosting process.  Sluggish micro-circulation is stimulated and irritation is soothed.  In addition, HealGel Eye contains a duel action hyaluronic acid complex that locks moisture deeper into the skin and firms the eye contours.  The effect is to soften the appearance of fine lines, even skin tone and improve the elasticity of the skin through intense hydration.  Light diffusers in the gel further improves sallow areas for a brightening and smoothing effect. 

What We Say...
love the packaging it looks very convincing and I think the RRP £32 is comparable with lots of the department store eye potions available. The serum itself is smooth, not sticky and absorbs quickly, there's an instant tingle and skin feels smoother afterwards. It was lovely under my makeup (on the random occasions I managed to wear any) and actually helped my concealer stay in place I think.

So this is the improvement in 10 days, I'm not sure I would say it was a miracle solution, it is working against the odds here, but I do believe there is a difference and if that's in only 10 days I'm looking forward to the improvement in a month or so.

Now I'm a cheapskate and normally am an advocate of budget brands but I have bemoaned my dark circles for a long time. I understand that genetics plays a large part and without surgery, which I would never consider, I will never be truly circle free. But I have really taken to this product and think I will continue to use it after I have finished this bottle, even at the higher end of My budget I think I've fallen a little in love and now don't wish to be without!  Fortunately though you need such a small amount that this bottle should last me months! 

If you would like to know more you can visit the website, or follow them on Facebook and Twitter, and at the moment you get £5 of a £50 spend with code MUM. 

Family Fever

Monday 17 March 2014

Read With Me, Book Review - The Story of a Fierce Bad Rabbit

Growing up we didn't read any Beatrix Potter books. To be honest my parents weren't big on reading with us so it wasn't until I started reading independently that I really found my love of books. 

So when my daughter got this beautiful set...

I was very much looking forward to reading with her, the first book we chose was The Story of a Fierce Bad Rabbit. 

I'm afraid to say this book hasn't enamoured me to Ms Potter in the least! Basically its a description of a mean rabbit, who it would appear gets his just desserts! SPOILER ALERT!!!!! Basically the lesson is if you are not kind the farmer will shoot you! 

I'm not a fan and it has pretty much put me off even looking at The Tale of Two Bad Mice, silly I know but I like a childrens book with a happy ending! 

My advice, start with a happy sounding title. I'm hoping The Flopsie Bunnies will be a little more cheery...

Sunday 16 March 2014

Musings of the Monkeyfooted Mini's

A recent conversation between the Peanut and I after I discovered 5 half eaten strawberry's in the box....

As if butter wouldn't melt! 

Me: 'it's not nice to bite the ends of the strawberry's and put half back, can you not do it again'

Peanut: 'I don't care' (full of petulance)

Me : 'this behviour makes mummy sad, where has my lovely daughter gone, the one who is nice to mammy'

Peanut (stomping up the stairs) 'she's gone to Dublin, BY HER OWN' (where her Grandparents and Aunties live) 

Mummy had no reply!

Friday 14 March 2014

Project 365 Week 11, 68-74

Hello again, naughty Monkeyfooted mummy has been very forgetful this week ! While I have been taking pictures I've just not gotten around to uploading them to Instagram! Never the less, here is our weekly round up...

68- a good clear out of Termite's too small clothes left... well absolutely no space at all in the wardrobe as you can see!

69- a brilliant spring day meant getting our gorgeous nappies on the line and what a cheerful sight it was too.

70- a lovely delivery from Pacapod but alas no time to open ....

71- and there it is I'm actually pleased I chose to savour the moment as it is beautiful, review to come. 

72- Our first taste of Tomato

73- A rare and welcome soak in the bath ALONE. Admittedly I only had 5 minutes before the barrage of questions, requests, toy displays, songs and stories! I love my Monkeyfooted ones dearly but oh my they can talk! 

74- No words needed , Yum! 

See you all next week 

Thursday 13 March 2014

Thankful Thursday Week 11

Welcome back to my weekly linky, I hope you can link up and share what you are thankful for this week, a story, a sentence or just a picture, its always good to find our silver linings. If you would like to link up I would  love for you to grab the badge below and spread a little linky love to some of the others taking part.

This week I am thankful for SLEEP, my Termite was a brilliant sleeper from 2 weeks right up until around 16 weeks, but has unfortunately not slept well at all since then. There are many reasons, growth spurts, developmental changes, teething, the list is quite long! 90 minute wake ups through the night are tiring to say the least. But just recently we have had a few OK nights where I have managed longer patches of sleep and for this I'm very grateful. Don't worry I'm not breaking any cocky sleep club rules, she's still not spoiling me but I console myself with the knowledge that this is a shortlived phase and soon I will bemoan the dissappearance of baby cuddles and should embrace them as much as I can right now.

Adventures Of A Monkeyfooted Mummy

Wednesday 12 March 2014

Tales of The Termite - 6 month Update

Mummy is really busy most days and she was late telling you all about my month so I'm taking matters into my own hands!

Woop Woop I'm a half! Mummy says its all going to quickly and sometimes she gives me a great big squeeze and sniffs my head whiles telling Daddy she is trying to hold on to my baby-hood?! Shes a bit of an old sop, but she gives me milk whenever I want and always has a lovely cuddle when I'm upset.

I've grown one and a half teeth and they hurt a bit, but now I can really gnaw on all the lovely food Ive been trying, Mummy claims she's letting me lead the way in weaning, so I get to feed myself,and she doesn't seem to mind that lots of it ends up on the floor, up my nose or all over my body!  We've started to wean (a couple weeks earlier than the advice I know) and I have enjoyed handfuls of bubble and squeak, fruit, veg, and even dairylea sarnies!


I can roll A LOT now and the Mummy one keeps chasing me back onto my mat, I think its because I keep bumping my head on our hard floor and then crying! I can lift my bottom clear off the ground and this makes me giggle lots, it really is endlessly funny. To daddy's delight I have almost mastered waving so we have large stretches of time where Daddy, Peanut and The Golden child take turns to say 'woo ooh' and in return I flap my hand like a demented bird it really keeps them entertained.

I also do a little dance which mummy has been trying to get on her phone thingy but everytime I see the phone I just stop dancing, she doesn't think this is very good, but I'm not ready for stardom yet!

I have loved lots of things this month mostly focused around food and teeth

Sophie la Giraffe
This lovely teething toy keeps me occupied, squeaks to entertain me, and is great to chew o, it really gets to all the bits in my mouth that I need it too, and she is really cute!

Oxo Tots
Read mummy's review here, our OXO tot equipment is well used for outings and we LOVE them plus ITS NOT PINK woo hoo

Cosatto 3sixti

I love our highchair, it looks good, mummy says cleans easily (which is great considering how much mess I make) , and can be used as a low chair or a high chair with the push of a button on the base, it has recline and 3 tray settings and I love sitting right up at the table with the others.
Amber Anklets Check out our review here

Nelsons Teethas These little sachets are very annoying to me when mummy tries to use them but they make me go from crying to silent in seconds I'm not sure how they work but they feel so nice on my poor little gums, especially good since mummy lost my anklet and we've had to wait for a new one.

Ok I think that covers everything, see you all next month, oh and Mummy really loves hearing from you all so leave a comment for her (she doesn't get out much you know)

Tuesday 11 March 2014

Canvas Design Review and Competition

A little while ago a call went out on twitter asking for product reviewers for  Canvas Design Uk. I love a good canvas so jumped at the chance. We already have canvas prints from our wedding and of the two big kids so we chose a gorgeous photo of our Termite.

I sent off my picture and my requested size and in 2 days received a knock on the door and there it was. Safely wrapped in more cardboard than my kids knew what to do with and lots and lots of bubble wrap.

The canvas is really lovely quality the wooden frame feels very sturdy and the actual canvas is thick and firm. It even comes with fixings to hang it on the wall which is something we've not been given with any other company's we have used and we  have ordered lots of canvas prints in the past. Both for us, and as gifts and we've   paid very little and quite a lot.  I would happily rank this up with the very expensive ones. Despite the price being really competitive (quite cheap in my opinion) its of the same quality as the canvases we have paid more than double for!

You can visit them at and order any size from 6 inches to 40 inches with prices starting from just £5.99 plus my lovely  readers get a 15% discount using code BLOG15

And because those guys over at Canvas Design Uk are so nice they've offered one of you lucky lot a chance to win a canvas in a size of your choice by simply entering the rafflecopter entries below. We will draw the winner next week from all CORRECTLY COMPLETED entries
Family Fever

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Monday 10 March 2014

It's happened....

I'm going grey! As if shedding hair like a golden-retriever post pregnancy isn't bad enough I AM GOING GREY!!! 

I thought I had escaped, I thought it would never happen to me! I realise this sounds ludicrous but at 61 my dad has no grey, well not on his head. A beard however is not something my dad can grow because it comes through grey, brown, ginger and black it looks bonkers. But I'd hoped I had inherited his genes. I mean I never plan to grow a beard so it's fine I'll take the full head of almost black hair along with the dodgy beard gene thankyou very much, I figure by the time I do start sprouting whiskers I'll hopefully be too old too care what colour they are!

Now I know some of you may think 'just accept it gracefully' and to you I politely say 'Sod off'. I have dark hair ... 

... Really really dark hair and the intruder that my husband kindly pointed out to me is almost WHITE! Do you understand how crazy I'm going to look! Like Cruella bloody De Vil that's how crazy!

And as for the Mr, having pulled out the offending hair at my request he enjoyed asking if I wanted to go out for dinner,  at The Grey Horse (much guffawing), pointed out that soon the carpets may match the drapes! (More guffawing) and repeatedly wondered at how fast I would look like my Nana.... I wonder if he realises He's never getting lucky AGAIN! 

Right now I'm off to stock up on hair dye! 

Saturday 8 March 2014

Project 365 Week 10

Week ten has been a busy one, 70 days gone already and it seems to have gone very quick indeed. 

61 - Peanut has made the connection between the buttons and tv control, added to her reading skills I fear for my sanity as far as TV choice.

62- The termite has discovered her sitting  power

63-  A bit of Greek Meze for lunch turned into a ' pitta fishy' 

65-  Hello springtime, you are becoming more obvious by the day.

65- The big two on an adventure, searching for goodness knows what, they are totally crazy!

66- Is there something in my teeth? 

67- The shiny penny experiment by peanut who has declared a life in science is for her. That's fine by me my love ! 

I'm sure next week will follow in a blur of busy-ness too. I hope you've enjoyed this weeks pictures 

Friday 7 March 2014

Musings of the Monkeyfooted Mini's

Kids say the craziest things, everyone knows that. But sometimes my kids make me laugh until I cry, sometimes they make me think, and sometimes they make me sad. Some of these posts may well only be meaningful to the residents of Monkeyfeet HQ but I'm going to share them so we can look back in years to come and remember.

Today's lesson; Animals

Peanut  was playing with Termites new night light, a turtle that projects the constellations and plays music ( a review will follow but it's not on my recommended buys list!)

 'Mamma if a turtle didn't have a shell it would just be a lizard, a really fat lizard' 

So now you know!

Please feel free to leave me a comment telling me crazy things your kids say, I'd love to hear them. 

Thursday 6 March 2014

Thankful Thursday Week 10

This is my weekly linky for us all to share our silver linings, brags, boasts or just something that made us smile. Be it a picture, a word, a sentence or a great big essay lets share what we are thankful for this week. It can be a new post just for this linky, an old post you think is suitable, a picture, a video, one word or a thousand this linky is all about thankfulness so whatever has made you grateful this week I would love to know.
If you would like to link up I would love for you to grab the badge below and spread a little linky love to some of the others taking part, and don't forget to spread the word, invite lots of people and help me grow this and make Thursdays a happier place.

This Week I am thankful for education! 

We've just come from Peanut's parent review evening, where we have been shown examples of her writing and number work, pictures of her learning journey and we've been informed that she will be in the 'exceeding' bracket when she comes to move into year 1. 
As parents we put a lot of effort into education in everything we do. We count , find letters, colours and patterns in everyday life, at the supermarket, in the park, quite simply wherever we are.

But I have no doubt that the school she attends plays a huge part in developing her in all areas. Having just recently seen research on how the buildings we work/live/play in  can improve education/health/productivity. I can say hand on heart I am grateful that I live in a country where my children can go to a large modern school filled with facilities and equipment to bring out the best in them. Added to that the enthusiastic, dedicated and passionate teachers, I know they are being given a brilliant start

I have seen first hand in countries around the world schools which amount to nothing more than a ramshackle hut for which parents pay huge amounts to send their children. So whilst our government may not be perfect and our education system over stretched and under criticism by many, I feel blessed for what we have and what it has given our children.
Adventures of A Monkeyfooted Mummy

Tuesday 4 March 2014

Woe is Me

I'm tired, I'm run down, my house is never tidy, I don't have any time oh boo hoo hoo. I've decided I need a kick up the bum.

So this week with the advent of blue skies and bright crisp days, I have made some changes..

We have veg every day anyway but I have quadrupled my veg intake by hiding it in lovely dishes and making lush meals we've made a rather succesful Coleslaw, our first ever attempt at Bubble and squeak (some improvement needed but a good try)


I've made more excuses than I care to reveal but it all boils down to this the hardest part about doing excercise is STARTING it, so we have attended Mamalates for the first time this week, which is a free mother and baby  pilates class provided by a local pre and post natal wellbeing scheme. 

I have also walked, and walked and walked! I can really feel the difference in my energy levels

Now before I type this please note I DO NOT THINK WOMEN NEED MAKEUP TO FEEL GOOD, but I personally feel better with a touch of tinted moisturiser and a slick of lipstick so I have made an effort to do this every morning. I have to say I must normally look like a bag of spanners because I've had more compliments this week than you can shake a stick at! 

I feel much more motivated, slightly pained from the Pilates, but overall very positive. 

So my goal for March is to shed some more pounds, stick to my lent sacrifices(chocolate sweets and cakes) keep up the Pilates, and get a bike...... Watch this space for my cycling adventures 

Desert Island Discs

 I was recently tagged by the lovely Kate at My Family Fever in a Meme from Jaime at The Olivers Madhouse sharing my Desert Island Discs if I ever happen to be marooned on a desert island. My favourite tunes along with one book, and one luxury item.


Well here come the shameful music secrets...

Meatloaf, Paradise by the Dashboard Light.Much to the disgust of many, I Love Meatloaf and this song always makes me sing full volume, yes I have been caught more than once singing full belt windows down at the traffic lights!!

Jack Johnson  Better Together, this song was our choice for our wedding, and we have listened to it together on many holidays and special occasions, it reminds me of romance and happiness and Crete and Goa and Egypt !

 Fly me to the Moon. I can't explain why but I've always loved this song, it makes me want to waltz round the room

Robbie William Rock DJ. Love love love Mr Williams and this song makes me dance and sing, it reminds me of too many fun nights out with my girls!

Bridget Jones would be my book of choice, its not a literary masterpiece by any stretch, but I have read it numerous times and it always makes me laugh.

And finally my luxury item, this is a tough one, normally this would be my iphone as its like a part of me but obviously with no charging facilities this would be a shortlived luxury, so I'm going to go for a luxury tent! I may be stranded and stuck but at least I will have shelter and a place to sleep.

What would you choose...

Kor-Geomag Review

My kids love to create and they love to build so Geomag seemed a perfect bridge between the two. This is what Geomag say ... 

A completely new magnetic construction system, the KOR GEOMAG range allows children to construct endless combinations and enjoy different play experiences from one toy: construct, transform, disassemble and re-assemble.

KOR is a patented system of 26 magnetic building blocks that connect onto a hollow metal sphere tocreate the toy’s core. By adding covers the toy takes the shape of a rugby ball, which can then be twisted, turned and flipped to generate endless shapes.  Children are able to then transform the KOR into any fantasy character they imagine by adding their chosenaccessories that come with each set.

Aimed at children aged 5+, KOR GEOMAG launches with seven products across two lines: the cute ‘Tazoo’ and the tougher action-oriented ‘Proteon’. The narrative behind KOR begins with a geomagnetic storm caused by the migration of KOR asteroids into the universe.
Two of these asteroids, which comprise the Tazoo line, land in the idyllic natural world. The sea-dwelling ‘Beto’ allows children to use eyes and fins to build a cute fish, whale, squid or even a shrimp. While ‘Paco’ who is found in the forest, has big red eyes and a long tail, and with a few twists can become anything from a frog, lizard, beetle to an owl.

The tougher ‘Proteon’ line enables children to create heroes and primordial beasts to pit against one another in epic battles after these KOR asteroids land in hostile environments where they have to fight for evolution. Each of the five Proteon building sets are reflective of different tough natural environments such as rocky, swampy and volcanic, with each character differentiated by their covers, unique masks and weapons. The Proteon KORs are available in three different forms of construction and character evolution - from the simple ‘AKI’, via “TAUREX” to the further evolved ‘BLATTA’, ‘VULKRAM’ and ‘SWOMP’.

All KOR GEOMAG building sets across both theTazoo and Proteon lines are compatible, allowing imaginative kids even more creative freedom andgiving parents the best return on investment for purchases.

The set arrived and was opened with much excitement lots of nice chunky pieces and pictorial  instructions which were easy to follow. The instructions show how to make a character but then show variations as well. We got 'paco' from the Tazoo line, he is a forest dwelling creature who can become a frog, a lizard, a beetle or an owl. 

We decided to go for the creature shown on the front of the box and quickly got the swing of things, all the pieces fit around a central metal ball and then you build up with differing shapes, a gentle hand is needed as we learned when we pressed too hard and the whole lot broke apart! After a little bad temper we started again and soon got into the swing of things.

We Love...
  •  The colours are bright and cheerful
  • Really fuels imaginative play
  •  Lots of variety in what you can create even with just one set, but as the sets are compatible the possibilities are endless.
  •  I love that theres a story behind the toys, It really fed the Golden Child's imagination
  •  Nice chunky pieces for little hands 
Room for Improvement
  • It would be nice to see more variey in the Tazoo line as there are only two types to collect, but there are plenty of options in the Proteon range 
  • With an RRP of £25 per set these are at the higher end of the toy scale for Monkeyfeet towers, but they are a great birthday or Christmas Gift and they are  in my opinion just as entertaining and engaging as Lego or Playmobil (with bigger part, thankfully) and I think price wise you could pay much more for a large lego set. 
KOR GEOMAG are available now at Harrods,Fenwicks department stores, independent toy stores across the country and online e-tailers such as Amazon,with prices per building set starting from a recommended retail price of £25.

 You can find out more here and follow Geomag on Facebook