Tuesday 4 March 2014

Woe is Me

I'm tired, I'm run down, my house is never tidy, I don't have any time oh boo hoo hoo. I've decided I need a kick up the bum.

So this week with the advent of blue skies and bright crisp days, I have made some changes..

We have veg every day anyway but I have quadrupled my veg intake by hiding it in lovely dishes and making lush meals we've made a rather succesful Coleslaw, our first ever attempt at Bubble and squeak (some improvement needed but a good try)


I've made more excuses than I care to reveal but it all boils down to this the hardest part about doing excercise is STARTING it, so we have attended Mamalates for the first time this week, which is a free mother and baby  pilates class provided by a local pre and post natal wellbeing scheme. 

I have also walked, and walked and walked! I can really feel the difference in my energy levels

Now before I type this please note I DO NOT THINK WOMEN NEED MAKEUP TO FEEL GOOD, but I personally feel better with a touch of tinted moisturiser and a slick of lipstick so I have made an effort to do this every morning. I have to say I must normally look like a bag of spanners because I've had more compliments this week than you can shake a stick at! 

I feel much more motivated, slightly pained from the Pilates, but overall very positive. 

So my goal for March is to shed some more pounds, stick to my lent sacrifices(chocolate sweets and cakes) keep up the Pilates, and get a bike...... Watch this space for my cycling adventures 

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