Monday 3 March 2014

Amber Anklets

Way back before the Termite arrived I spoke to a lady called Tamara about reviewing an Amber Anklet. We chatted a bit by email bemoaning the struggles of being heavily pregnant in the heatwave, and she was truly sympathetic. Anyway we arranged that I would review for the company after the termite arrived.


I'm always looking to give more information about a product so asked Tamara about how she got started and my word what a story...

She discovered the powers of amber years ago when her daughter was born, in 2011. After she been given an anklet, from a relatives friend from Lithuania, turns out over there Amber is like Calpol! Her daughter cut all her teeth, with nothing but 2 anklets and some chamomile

Then in January 2013 at 6 months pregnant with her 3rd child her husband left! Deciding  she had 2 options; give up  or go forth and prosper. She went forth and so her company Amber anklets was then born, and has been growing ever since. When her son was born she  found out her partner wasn't coming back, as he'd been having an affair for about a year!. That's when she also started a new, new business 'Woman Up'. She has developed a course to help empower other women who for whatever reason need lifting up. In her words .' I'm 28, a recently full time single mum to 3 amazing angels, Rocco 8, Amelia 2 and Neo 6 months, I run 3 businesses (I also have a small cake business) and I'm on a mission to save the world-or at least a bit of it and right some wrongs.  People think I'm crazy, but those who know me, know I'm very serious indeed and will succeed-the universe willing!  '

I think she is an amazing lady and to be honest as a fellow mum of three young children I've no idea how she manages to run ONE succesful business let alone three! I wish her well in her endeavours.

Now back to the matter in hand, what are Amber Anklets and do they work? Now that termite has been showing signs of teething, I thought it time to try them out.... 

Basically they are exactly what they sound like. Little teeny anklets made from Amber beads, the amber is sourced directly from Lithuania and is guaranteed genuine. Each bead is  hand tied so that if they snap, the beads dont go flying everywhere. It's recommended that you hide the anklet under a sock or baby grow when sleeping and that the anklet should be used under supervision, they are most definately NOT for chewing on.

We have used the anklet for about 8 weeks and I really do think it made a difference, we didnt drool quite as much and as you may be aware my girl is a happy laidback type and the amber really helped keep her happy and laid back when her first two teeth came through. Unlike her big sister who screamed for days on end, Termite has required more cuddles and less food but hasnt been bad at all.

Now let me admit to a secret, I have managed to loose our anklet by taking it off and putting it in the baby bag after a rather nasty nappy episode! Yes it did spread THAT far! I have noticed a difference in Termite's grizzleness since we've not had it on so I can only say, I dont know how it works, but it definitely does. So I'm off to order another couple from the website.

If you would like to know more you can visit the website and also follow on Facebook and Twitter 

But because Tamara is indeed a lovely lady she has given me an anklet to give away, just enter via the rafflecopter below, a winner will be drawn from  CORRECTLY COMPLETED entries Next week.
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Family Fever


  1. We love amber anklets, they have made a huge difference to Max! Thanks for linking up with #TriedTested

  2. Great review. Thanks for sharing. I hadnt heard of them before. #triedtested

  3. We swear by amber in this house!! fab review #triedtested

  4. I've never used amber myself but then B & C never really suffered with their teething either. I've heard lots of other people swear by them.
    Thanks for linking up with #TriedTested

  5. oh thats very interessting def gonna have a look at those! great review

  6. Love these. I've entered as I've lost Harry's one
