Thursday 13 March 2014

Thankful Thursday Week 11

Welcome back to my weekly linky, I hope you can link up and share what you are thankful for this week, a story, a sentence or just a picture, its always good to find our silver linings. If you would like to link up I would  love for you to grab the badge below and spread a little linky love to some of the others taking part.

This week I am thankful for SLEEP, my Termite was a brilliant sleeper from 2 weeks right up until around 16 weeks, but has unfortunately not slept well at all since then. There are many reasons, growth spurts, developmental changes, teething, the list is quite long! 90 minute wake ups through the night are tiring to say the least. But just recently we have had a few OK nights where I have managed longer patches of sleep and for this I'm very grateful. Don't worry I'm not breaking any cocky sleep club rules, she's still not spoiling me but I console myself with the knowledge that this is a shortlived phase and soon I will bemoan the dissappearance of baby cuddles and should embrace them as much as I can right now.

Adventures Of A Monkeyfooted Mummy


  1. Know that feeling so well. My little one is five now, but has been ill with rotavirus so we've been having some interesting nights to say the least.
    I've linked up - this week I'm thankful for the spring colours hitting the shops - Spring is here!

  2. The baby cuddles dissapear so fast - Max is 10 months now and doesn't do cuddles unless he is upset or hurt. They grow so so fast, Glad you are getting a bit more sleep now - that and the sun makes a huge difference doesn't it?

  3. Thank you for sharing your blog with us week after week through this opportunity to link up with other bloggers! You are appreciated!


  4. Sleep makes all the difference doesn't it? I'm trying to enjoy baby cuddles as much as I can at the moment too x
