Monday 10 March 2014

It's happened....

I'm going grey! As if shedding hair like a golden-retriever post pregnancy isn't bad enough I AM GOING GREY!!! 

I thought I had escaped, I thought it would never happen to me! I realise this sounds ludicrous but at 61 my dad has no grey, well not on his head. A beard however is not something my dad can grow because it comes through grey, brown, ginger and black it looks bonkers. But I'd hoped I had inherited his genes. I mean I never plan to grow a beard so it's fine I'll take the full head of almost black hair along with the dodgy beard gene thankyou very much, I figure by the time I do start sprouting whiskers I'll hopefully be too old too care what colour they are!

Now I know some of you may think 'just accept it gracefully' and to you I politely say 'Sod off'. I have dark hair ... 

... Really really dark hair and the intruder that my husband kindly pointed out to me is almost WHITE! Do you understand how crazy I'm going to look! Like Cruella bloody De Vil that's how crazy!

And as for the Mr, having pulled out the offending hair at my request he enjoyed asking if I wanted to go out for dinner,  at The Grey Horse (much guffawing), pointed out that soon the carpets may match the drapes! (More guffawing) and repeatedly wondered at how fast I would look like my Nana.... I wonder if he realises He's never getting lucky AGAIN! 

Right now I'm off to stock up on hair dye! 


  1. It's only one errant hair lady. Don't panic yet! x x x

    1. Too late Colette, I could have cried this afternoon I FEEL SOOOO OLD

  2. Don't panic just yet but as for hubby......naughty naughty man!!!

  3. I started to go grey when I was 20!! lol I'm 24 now.....I dye my hair as soon as I see the grey coming though! Out of sight out of mind....hehehe

    1. I'm totally in agreement, Nice n Easy here I come

  4. Aww, the Mr needs to do lots of groveling! ;)

  5. "The carpets will match the drapes?"! To much info there karen! Not really thought about going grey...going to ignore the concept!

    1. Yes Fiona it was too much information but now that I have that dread I felt the need to share it IM GETTING OLD

  6. This is my worst nightmare haha! I would have to dye my hair more often its bad enough doing it once or twice a year lol! at least its only one though maybe it was a one-off!

  7. I found a grey hair not long after I had my wee lad. Now rather than dyingy hair for a wee change or to feel good about myself, I dye it like a military mission to keep those wee buggers at bay.
    My mum says to relax, that it might only ever be one but as far as I'm concerned, 1 is too many!

    1. I'm pleased I'm not alone! One is too flipping many!

  8. eeee how funny is this post - it is going to happen to us all! Hair dye??

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