Food and Fitness

My Slimming World Recipes

Slow Cooker Recipes

Monkeyfooted Mummys Recipes

Mocktails for Dry January
Sponge Cakes
Coconut Mice
Microwave Mug Cake
Egg in a Cup (grandma Jennies Recipe for poorly children)
Home Made Pitta

Guest Recipes

Here are some recipes I've had published on other blogs and some Guest Posts we've hosted here
Cabbage Tatie Topper on Family Fever
Immune Boosting Coleslaw on Emmys Mummy
Lasagne With a Twist by Kate from Family Fever

The Diet Debacle

It seems like I'm always trying to do more, weigh less, be fitter, feel healthier, look better! So I figure what better way to keep me motivated than to tell the world about it? I mean it would be terrible to admit to you all that I have sat alone after the school run and ate a whole family sized bar of chocolate! Not that I ever do that (this is a lie, secret chocolate eating is an almost daily occurrence!). So here you will find all my brags and boasts, my moans and grumbles and my yelps of joy and maybe even a happy dance or two during my #Mummymakeover.
The Makeover Begins 2014

The Slimming World Journey 2015

Slimming World Weigh In's
Week 1(huffy pants)
Week 2(happy dance)
Week 3 (better than expected!)
Week 4 (Pfft Whoteva!(I'm channelling my Vicki Pollard)
Week 5 (A late but happy update)
Week 6 (OMG!!!)
Week 7 (a lucky escape)
Week 8-9 (back on track)
Weeks 10-11 (plodding on)
Week 12 (disappointing)
One two miss a few.....(holiday time)
Week 17

Posted with Blogsy by The Monkeyfooted Mummy

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