Saturday 1 March 2014

Project 365 54-60

Wowser week nine done already! It's been a lovely early spring week here and we've been full of energy and motivation...

54 - The Golden Child decided to try out some 'lipstick', luckily Crayola  comes off easily

55 - Termite made 'Mr Moustachehead from her snack ingredients

56 - Homemade coleslaw and salad with our chicken tonight

57 - Showing off our springtime fashions!

58 - A productive day of sorting resulted in a new work space for Mummy, now to just finish those 18 draft posts I have....

59 - A catch up with friends and a trip to the museum.

60 - it's all a bit too much for Daddy and Termite zzzzzzz

See you next week 


  1. Awww that last photo is so sweet and she looks "edible" in that photo showing off the springtime fashions. My wee man gets his markers everywhere!

  2. The crayola lipstick reminds me of the 'artwork' by my daughter a couple of days ago on her face - luckily with washable felt tips. Very sweet shots of the little one modelling and cuddled with dad.

  3. the snack art is brilliant. Dad and Termite look very cute snuggle sleeping. Your spring time model is really cute
