Saturday 8 March 2014

Project 365 Week 10

Week ten has been a busy one, 70 days gone already and it seems to have gone very quick indeed. 

61 - Peanut has made the connection between the buttons and tv control, added to her reading skills I fear for my sanity as far as TV choice.

62- The termite has discovered her sitting  power

63-  A bit of Greek Meze for lunch turned into a ' pitta fishy' 

65-  Hello springtime, you are becoming more obvious by the day.

65- The big two on an adventure, searching for goodness knows what, they are totally crazy!

66- Is there something in my teeth? 

67- The shiny penny experiment by peanut who has declared a life in science is for her. That's fine by me my love ! 

I'm sure next week will follow in a blur of busy-ness too. I hope you've enjoyed this weeks pictures 


  1. i've loved seeing all the crocus pop up out of the grass this week too. and peanut, ronnie was called that before we knew he was ronnie! good luck with that remote control!

  2. Those Crocus' look fab! I love the spring. Bless her, termite is growing so fast!

  3. aw well done for sitting up termite!! loving the googles pic!

  4. well done at mastering sitting up Termite. Love the cheeky faces with the science experiment. Had to laugh at the something stuck in my teeth.
