Sunday 26 June 2016

Why I'm Throwing Out My Scales

I've had an epiphany! I hate my scales, they are meaner to me than my inner bitch, and she can be MEAN!

See how she smiles having made me work my butt off!

Just before my holiday I felt great, a couple of tough work outs down with My brilliant trainer and I felt slimmer (dont get me wrong I'm a mile away from skinny but I felt better) so I had a sneaky weigh in.... and I was a pound heavier! I instantly felt rubbish and wanted to kick the scales but then I thought why the heck should that number make a difference? I can't possibly feel different now than I did thirty seconds ago?  When I was chatting about this to pals one of them remarked that she had seen a personal trainer call them the Step of Saddness (if it was you and you are reading this sorry for stealing but I like the phrase.) and I couldn't have put it more perfectly myself. So no more!

Dear scales and your silly numbers, I'm afraid we have to say goodbye, we have had an unhealthy relationship for too long now! I have weighed myself weekly sometimes daily for as long as I can remember even going so far as to track my weight gain during my pregnancies! I know you cant help what you tell me, I make you do it but I'm afraid I cant listen to you any more. From now on I'm making pals with my favourite outfit and we are going to be kind to each other until I can wear her again, you see I look fab in her and she has never made me feel bad infact she always always makes me feel good, so from now on dear step of sadness you are no longer in control!

The top half of my feel good outfit!

I'm saying so long and we shall keep you purely for weighing our holiday cases! No longer will I queue nervously in a Slimming World Class, hoping that today you will make me feel good, that today I'll get a shiny sticker for my achievement NO NO NO I'm done, my body is going to lead the way from now on!


  1. I have found that the scales can be you worst and best friend , I tend to go with how my jeans fit me now

  2. I definitely think that how your clothes fit is the most important thing - I tell myself the rest is numbers and how I feel is more important.

  3. I agree we can come become obsessive about scales. I now weigh myself once a week just before bed so I can see the trend in my weight (not downwards recently) but I forget about it overnight. However, I think how your body feels is a much better guide.

  4. When I'm in a dieting zone I can end up weighing myself every single day. It's madness! I'm completely with you on this - lets all bin the steps of sadness! x

  5. Ha ha love this!! I used to obsess about what the silly machine said when really what matters is how you look and feel!

  6. I don't own scales for this reason! I know I would get obsessed with it. I go do my clothes for or not! X

  7. My scales are in the bin too - I find I become really obsessive with weighing myself. Good for you - it's how good you feel and how fit you are that counts, not the number on the scale xx

  8. good idea obsessing about scales just makes you hungry x

  9. This is why I don't own scales, who needs to feel bad about themselves?

  10. Interesting, since I lost a stone I love my scales! Whatever works for us all though eh! Well done at deciding to be happy!

  11. numbers mean nothing ! i only get weighed when i go to the doctors , gotta just be happy in your own skin right?
