Tuesday 4 March 2014

Desert Island Discs

 I was recently tagged by the lovely Kate at My Family Fever in a Meme from Jaime at The Olivers Madhouse sharing my Desert Island Discs if I ever happen to be marooned on a desert island. My favourite tunes along with one book, and one luxury item.


Well here come the shameful music secrets...

Meatloaf, Paradise by the Dashboard Light.Much to the disgust of many, I Love Meatloaf and this song always makes me sing full volume, yes I have been caught more than once singing full belt windows down at the traffic lights!!

Jack Johnson  Better Together, this song was our choice for our wedding, and we have listened to it together on many holidays and special occasions, it reminds me of romance and happiness and Crete and Goa and Egypt !

 Fly me to the Moon. I can't explain why but I've always loved this song, it makes me want to waltz round the room

Robbie William Rock DJ. Love love love Mr Williams and this song makes me dance and sing, it reminds me of too many fun nights out with my girls!

Bridget Jones would be my book of choice, its not a literary masterpiece by any stretch, but I have read it numerous times and it always makes me laugh.

And finally my luxury item, this is a tough one, normally this would be my iphone as its like a part of me but obviously with no charging facilities this would be a shortlived luxury, so I'm going to go for a luxury tent! I may be stranded and stuck but at least I will have shelter and a place to sleep.

What would you choose...

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