Sunday 2 March 2014

Car Craft Lego Challenge

When we heard about the Car craft Lego Challenge we were very excited, Lego is a new thing at Monkeyfeet HQ, Something we've just gotten into and I will admit we never had lego as kids so Ive never really appreciated it until now. It does however bring out my OCD big time, that is a whole other post!

So the challenge was to create a scene using a lego set provided for the chance to win £100 to spend on Lego

We told the nice folk at car craft we would be happy with any set and it arrived quickly. The Golden Child could barely contain his excitement when he saw the Fire Cheif set, we set out to make it just the two of us then decided we would make up our movie when Peanut was home from school. I love to let the kids just run with their imaginations so our movie ain't going to win any oscars but they really  really enjoyed building a story and playing together, they didn't quite get camera angles but every time they watch this they laugh A LOT! 

So without further ado here is 'Cat In Tree' by Monkeyfeet Productions.....

We hope you enjoyed watching it as much as we enjoyed making it and a big thank you to Car Craft for helping us have so much fun


  1. haha I love it, very creative!! :-) x

  2. That's wonderful. Kids imaginations are just the best. Well done

  3. Lovely :) I love watching kids using their imagination to play x
