
This blog is written, edited and monitored by me. I work very hard on it, and all opinions expressed anywhere within the blog are my own. Please do not reproduce any of the photos or articles on this blog without prior permission.

I am happy to be considered by PR agencies and individual companies with regards to being sent products for review. I will only accept reviewing opportunities if I feel they fit with my blog style and target audience. All reviews will be honest and formed of my own opinion after trying a product in our family. This may include pictures, videos, comments and thoughts from me, my husband and my children and these will be clearly stated. I will state within the review whether I have bought a product myself, been given a product for review by the company in question or whether I have come across something myself that I feel I want to share with you. Any compensation received for a review will not influence the content of the post, or any other area of my blog or related social media links. I will accept paid and affiliate advertising if I feel it fits the ethos of my blog. I will also accept sponsored posts - again, only if I feel the content is relevant to my blog and posts. If a post is sponsored it will be clearly stated. This blog does not contain any content which might present a conflict of interest. Privacy This blog may collect the following information about you: Your name Your contact details (such as an email address) This information is used for internal record keeping, and to allow Family Fever to send you promotional emails about content you may find interesting. This information will not be shared with a third party. If you require any further information about the way I work you can contact me via disclosure@monkey-feet.com

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