Friday 14 March 2014

Project 365 Week 11, 68-74

Hello again, naughty Monkeyfooted mummy has been very forgetful this week ! While I have been taking pictures I've just not gotten around to uploading them to Instagram! Never the less, here is our weekly round up...

68- a good clear out of Termite's too small clothes left... well absolutely no space at all in the wardrobe as you can see!

69- a brilliant spring day meant getting our gorgeous nappies on the line and what a cheerful sight it was too.

70- a lovely delivery from Pacapod but alas no time to open ....

71- and there it is I'm actually pleased I chose to savour the moment as it is beautiful, review to come. 

72- Our first taste of Tomato

73- A rare and welcome soak in the bath ALONE. Admittedly I only had 5 minutes before the barrage of questions, requests, toy displays, songs and stories! I love my Monkeyfooted ones dearly but oh my they can talk! 

74- No words needed , Yum! 

See you all next week 


  1. Great photo's of a productive week! Loving the bath shot and the bag! #Project365

  2. Love seeing nappies on the line. Looks like the tomato is going down well, and cam't wait to see your Pacapod review!

  3. Looking forward to the bag review - it looks lovely. I love seeing all the small dresses hanging up

  4. Loving the nappies on the washing line!!! Great round up x

  5. oh that bag looks lush looking forward to the review! and check out all the dresses termite got is that what Molly-May's wardrobe will look like soon, eek all so new to me!!

  6. Love the shot of the nappies on the line, I'm going to miss that sight this summer!
