Saturday 23 May 2015

Game On 2.0 at Life Science Centre

Last night family Monkeyfeet attended the launch of Game On 2.0 at Life Science Centre.



The exhibition has toured the world over the past five years starting at The Barbican in London and visiting places like Stokholm, Ontario, Athens and the US so it's a real coup that Life have secured the exhibit for the next five months!

The launch of this exhibition has been eagerly anticipated amongst the people of the North so it's no surprise that last night saw a record number of people at the launch clamouring to see what was on offer.

The event itself was lots of fun with most of the catering department dressed as Mario, plenty of mini takeouts on offer (although not for this Slimming World Mummy, the kids enjoyed tucking into mini burgers, mini fish and chips and mini hotdogs).



There was lots of opportunity to look around Life and it was so nice to be able to chat with the people involved in bringing Game On 2.0 to Newcastle.

So to the exhibition..... There are games of all varieties on many many different platforms from arcade to console and computer to virtual reality, Life is now crammed with a veritable feast of gaming delight! The exhibition is constantly updated so contains amazing up to date games as well as displays of some early consoles and gaming equipment.

We attended with Peanut (6), The Golden Child (4), and Termite (1). Now we don't do console games and because I'm one of those hippy (and hypocritical, given how much time I spent on the iPad) mums I'm more inclined to send my kids outside than let them play on games BUT...., I get the educational value of some gaming, it improves hand eye coordination, you can incorporate maths, phonics,science and strategy into some games and apps and it's fun too. So given our lack of gaming experience I was unsure how the kids would find it but we all had a blast! Termite liked just pressing buttons and looking at the bright strange characters before her. My Golden Child (he's definitely going to be the computer genius) wanted to try everything, to see how it worked, what effects his actions had on the screen, how the games were made ... The questions were endless and Peanut well she loved giving the games a shot but she's a bit like her mother in that she suffers strong frustration when she doesn't get things right first time, so some of the games brought out her competitive side but overall she loved it and didn't want to leave luckily a Minecraft Cake and a pacman biscuit managed to distract her long enough to get her to the car.

My advice to anyone planning a visit...,

  • Plan to stay longer than normal because there's lots to play on
  • Expect to wait a short while for some of the more popular games, none of the queues were huge last night but obviously some games are more popular than others.
  • With that in mind it's probably best not to spend 2 hours showing of your best guitar legend moves!
  • Honestly the exhibition is very versatile an there's something for just about everyone so bring the kids, bring nana, bring everyone.

Game On 2.0 runs from 23rd May to 1st November and tickets cost

  • Family (1 adult + 3 children OR 2 adults + 2 children): £31.50
  • Adults: £12.95
  • Children (aged 5 - 17): £7.50
  • Children (aged 4 and under): FREE
  • Concessions (OAP, student or unwaged): £9.50

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  1. I am planning to take my son to this over the summer, it looks fab. Personally I want to play pacman! Lots!!

    1. Ah me too I think I would have played lots more if I'd been without children!

  2. This was such a good night and a really good exhibit - I agree with your tips, you definitely need to allow longer then you think as there is SOOOO much to do! Thanks for linking to #LoveNorthEast - I've added to our pinterest board x
