Saturday 3 January 2015

Combatting Christmas Cabin Fever

We've spent a lot of time indoors this Christmas break for a few reasons ...

  • The kids are tired from the long winter term
  • Christmas is an indoor day traditionally
  • Christmas means new toys and no kid wants to be pulled away from them
  • We've been poorly
  • We've waited in for deliveries
  • We've waited in for gas engineers

There's only one result ... Mummy has cabin fever! I need sea air and a good gust of cobweb beating wind! So despite the rain and freezing North Sea Wind today we bundled up and headed out. We are really lucky to be close to parks and beaches and lots of open spaces so I'm happy to let the big two scoot alongside me. I'm so pleased we went, tge kids have run and played, collected sticks for Mr Birdy (this is a family 'thing' I used to encourage the kids to head home by asking them to collect sticks for the bird in the tree where we could see a nest. They still love to do it! They've scooted and climbed, and they've come home rosy cheeked and hungry enough to polish off a roast dinner and head straight to bed.

And Mummy? Well I came home cold but refreshed and free of my nasty headache. Happy Days !


Country Kids from Coombe Mill Family Farm Holidays Cornwall



  1. You can soon end up stuck indoors this time of year can't you. Everyone loves a bit of fresh air and it sounds like it did you all the world of good #countrykids

  2. Ah cabin fever is awful and so easy this time of year. So good to see you managed to get out and enjoyed it x

  3. It's amazing what a walk in the park can do for you isn't it. I hate getting Cabin Fever, I feel it if I'm stuck inside for more than a day! Your three look like they've had a fabulous time running about in the fresh air. I love your tradition of picking up sticks for Mr Birdy, it's really cute the kids still do it. Thanks for linking up with Country Kids.
