Thursday 8 January 2015

#Mummymakeover - A Fresh Start


See that ^^? That is the line I'm drawing under my rather disasterous weight loss journey so far!

Two weeks after the birth of my termite saw me 1 stone lighter than I was before I fell pregnant ! Since then I have yo-yo'd down and up the same 10 pounds which leaves me...., in exactly the same place I was 16 months ago! And so no more messing, for me, for the wardrobes of beautiful clothes in my loft, for my health and for my family I am now saying this is IT.

My first step is to join Slimming World.

I have attended slimming world before and successfully lost 3 and 1/2 stone. But that was 15 years ago and a lothas changed since then (when I lived on beans and mash and macaroni cheese!) so I'm going back with an open mind and ready to listen and learn.

Tomorrow is my first class, wish me luck. I shall tell you all about it when I have recovered from the shock of someone else seeing THOSE numbers on the scales.

***I am working in collaboration with slimming world but all opinions are my own and results will be posted honestly***


  1. Good luck! I'm sure you can do it. :-) xx

  2. Good luck! I need to make a change and lose some weight as well. I might have to start running again

  3. Good luck - a lot of my family use slimming world and swear by it. I'm looking forward to reading your posts. #NEbrilliantbloggers

  4. Good luck, I also have tonnes of clothes in the loft from pre-pregnancy. I'll follow your progress...I might copy!

  5. best of luck hun, I have a cuboard load of clothes dream of fitting ito one day again x
