Tuesday 30 December 2014

Pink Lining WanderLust Rucksack Review

I know I don't need to tell you that I have a bag addiction, I've said it before, you all know it's true. So it will come as no shock to hear I've added another Pink Lining to my collection!

Pink Lining are one of my favourite brands, their quality is outstanding, their customer service is brilliant and their products are soooooo gorgeous.

So this is my newest addition ... 

Gorgeous yes? Well let me tell you it's not just a pretty face either it's full of features like the fully opening front section for all your changing bits and bobs, it has pockets and pouches for food and drinks and it's insulated to keep everything just how it should be. There's a front pocket with a bottle holder, a back section with enough space for everything you would need for a day out or for travelling (yep I'm thinking about the next holiday already) there's a key hook a wee mirror, changing mat, a pouch which could be a wet bag or hold your liquids if you are flying. It's really spacious and for me the real bonus (and I realise this may seem sad) is the pram straps! So many rucksacks don't come with these and it's a faff on to get a rucksack on some prams.


The straps are wide enough to be comfortable but not so wide they are cumbersome and they adjust easily.

I've lusted after this bag for such a long time that I worried I might feel disappointed because I had built it up to epic proportions. I'm very happy to report that I am very far from disappointed! I love it so much I had planned to save it for our holidays but it's already become my day-out bag, and my taking the kids to swimming bag, and my night at the theatre bag (do you see the pattern, it's my 'any excuse to use it bag' )

So I'm now the proud owner of a wise owl ruck sack and blooming gorgeous bag and a cream bows in red mini yummy mummy. I don't think this will be the end of my collection though! I mean it would be rude not to own a gorgeous hold all

and this carrier would truly perfect our travel ensemble, looks like I'm having a pink lining credit card splurge soon! But ssshhh don't tell the husband.




  1. I love the owl design

  2. LOve love love the owl design, and the rucksack is such a good idea for when you need your hands free, or when you are babywearing. Thanks for linking up with #TriedTested

  3. I've got one of these on the way!! I'm even more excited now I've read your review. I love the holdall as well, quite tempted to treat myself before we go on holiday this summer.
    Thanks for linking up with #TriedTested this week x

  4. I love Pink Lining, they're bags are fab. I have this cute owl print in the baby changing bag myself and it's great, so much room for all my stuff as well as my daughters :) x
