Friday 16 January 2015

#Mummymakeover Weekly Weigh In Week 1

I really wanted to write this post whilst performing my happy dance and feeling as smug as can be...


Instead I'm slightly crestfallen and in a right old huff with myself.


This week I lost a pound. That's ONE pound...uni, eins, en, een, jedan, uni! One whole pound I've thought about every single thing that went into my mouth, I've planned food, avoided chocolate and I won't lie to you I feel robbed.



But I'm not going to throw a paddy and eat my weight in chocolate. I've come home from class and made some lovely speed salad and soup and I'm making another food plan and this week will see some exercise.






  1. Ok so it's a disappointing first week loss... But that's not to say it won't show next week. If you weigh out 1lb of something on the scales you'll realise it's a lot more than you think x

    1. I know Colette and realistically if I remember my 'last supper' of pizza chips and chocolate I should be grateful for a pound

  2. Slow and steady wins the race - if you lose 1lb a week for a year that is 52 lb! Keep it up xx

    1. I know, a pound is a win I'm keeping on keeping on!

  3. I love the fact that you came home and got straight back into planning for next week despite your disappointment, and you may find you lose inches rather than lbs at first... keep up the good work! x

  4. I know exactly how you feel hun, I have really not felt the love on plan this week and was sure I`d have a gain but I too lost a pound. Its only a pound but if you weigh out a pound of sugar it quite amazing!!!

    1. I know and I've enjoyed my food so I shouldn't grumble

  5. Oh hunny. Don't feel disappointed, a loss is a loss and a step in the right direction. Just proves your work is paying off x

  6. I know Clare and I'm going to keep trying I might even get my bike out this week!

  7. thats great news! keep it up you shouldn't be disappointed better than nothing!

  8. Don't be disappointed - sometimes the body needs more than a week to just showing any difference, also combining exercise and diet is the best way to go so I am sure you will see a bigger impact next week :)

    Laura x

  9. Don't be disapointed a loss is a loss. I recently joined slimming world and wish for a better result each week but i am happy with any loss as long as there is no gain i am happy. :) x

  10. keep at it hun , your doing well just trying , ive eyed up an excerisice bike in tesco for only 60 quid and tempted to five it a go to get me motivated

  11. I'm on this same journey as you and it is a tough one but 1lb is 1lb and it is definately going in the right direction. Logic says if you were really good then this next weeks weigh in will be excellent. Did you give a food diary in to your leader? Good luck this week, Mich x
