Friday 30 January 2015

#Mummymakeover Weekly Weigh In - Week 3

You may have seen my post yesterday, apologising in advance to my lovely consultant, basically after what I thought was a terrible week I assumed I would be disappointed on the scales this weigh in. But I'm delighted to say I lost ....

Which made me re think the big fat grump I had yesterday and look at the food diary I (half) filled in this week. Turns out I'm now eating speed food without even thinking about it and the choices I've made HAVE made a difference. You know what else makes a difference? Staying to class listening to the other members talking about their food and how they overcome struggles. I will admit 'sprout soup' is a recipe I've decided to ignore BLEURGH! but I pick up lots of ideas for new dishes and this week even shared my newly discovered recipe for
'Fakeaway' chilli sauce, I swear it's just like the kebab shop!

So I've come out of today's Slimming World meeting spurred on to try even harder and eat even more free food and LESS chocolate!

See you all next week, there may be a celebratory 'award dance'!!



  1. YEAH! I had a feeling you would have still lost - well done! Urgh can't think of anything worse than sprout soup but I do love the sound of fakeaways. Keep it up #NEBrilliantBloggers

    1. Sprout soup! Honestly I've never heard anything like it, it had cottage cheese in too!? I'm open to new foods but my head just screamed noooooo!
