Saturday 10 January 2015

#Mummymakeover - Getting Back My Bounce For Easter

One thing I rarely do is tell people my weight, there's a few reasons for this....

  • I'm heavier than people think I am, infact at my skinniest in size 8 jeans when people told me I was too skinny they were stunned to hear I was 10 stone!
  • I think it makes people uncomfortable, it's a bit like telling someone your age, people often feel the need to feign surprise 'ooh you look so young' even if it's not true. With weight folk feel like they have to say 'there's nothing on you' or 'you hide it well'
  • Normally I'm embarrassed to say my number and I hate feeling embarrassed.

But I'm doing lots differently so in order to break all my bad habits I'm going to put myself in a very vulnerable position and tell you all exactly what I'm working to break away from.


So today, this is me....


I hate these pictures they make me very sad but I'm not dwelling! This is me after growing 3 babies and not taking as good care of myself as I should! I weigh 15 stone and 10.5 pounds! This is 4 stone more than I would like to weigh.


My measurements are


  • Bust - 47
  • Chest - 41
  • Waist - 43
  • Hips - 49
  • Arms - 13.5
  • Thighs - 27


This is all rather depressing but I've come out of my first Slimming World meeting (I should say I was only weighed at my meeting I did the measurements and pictures at home) feeling rather motivated and excited to start changing habits.


My goals are


  1. To reach my Club 10 weight (this is a loss of 10%) by Easter.
  2. To be 13 stone 5lb by May.
  3. To reach my Target by August, this is a goal of half a stone a month!





  1. Good luck! Sling world seems to be the most sensible long term weight loss technique these days. Watching your progress with interest, I may copy as just had to buy bigger jeans than ever before!

    1. Oh I can't wait to feel comfortable in jeans again! Thanks x

  2. Very brave but I'm sure you'll look back on this and be glad you did it so you can see how far you've come! My mum and brother are doing really well on slimming world, it seems to work for sure! Have you read chloe dawson's blog 'new girl in toon'? Her weight loss story is really inspirational. Good luck x

  3. Thought my ears were burning :)

    Best of luck - just take your time and stay positive and it'll fall off!

    Chloe x

    1. I feel really positive at the moment just need to keep it going

  4. Well done lady. Good luck x

  5. Very brave post, good luck with your goals x

  6. Good luck Karen! I have every faith you can do it!

  7. A brave post - good luck and fingers crossed you can do it, I have every faith in you x

  8. Sounds like you are in the right frame of mind to tackle your weight, good luck and keep positive. I'm using an activity tracker band to motivate me being more active.

  9. Good luck lovely - you can do it xx

  10. Good luck hun you can certainly do it and we can kick each others butt i really need to eat better and drink more water!! to shift a few pounds for that wedding!! xx

  11. I'll be with you when the baby arrives. We can be skinny Minnie's together. Just wait until we are rocking those slinky dresses next Christmas. I've been following mrs shilts too. She's done great with slimming world. Yay you for taking the first step xx

  12. A massive well done for posting this and slimming world is brilliant and does work! You are going to feel fabulous :) if you are naturally heavier (like me) it probably means you have more muscle mass and will lose weight more efficiently so that's amazing! Good luck xx

  13. weldone on beginning to look at what you want in life, i am currently looking to do this also as i have let myself go alot also , best of luck will be following you through it

  14. Well done on posting this ! Massive good luck to you , really hope you achieve what you want :)

    Rachael , From -

  15. A huge well done for posting this and good luck - I hope you'll be posting some fab healthy recipes x

  16. Good luck with your goals, I hope you reach them.

  17. Well done you for being brave enough to publish this and best of luck with losing weight. I am also hoping to lose my baby weight too Xx
