Thursday 22 January 2015

Kickin Kale Curry

What do you do with a big bag of Kale that's about to go off in the fridge?


Curry of course! I also have a yummy recipe for spicy fried Kale which I will post separately.



So keeping in mind that I'm a total make it up as I go along cook, here's the recipe.

1 Bag of Kale *

1 Can of Chickpeas

2 Handfuls of Frozen Sweetcorn

4 Onions*

6 Carrots*

1/4 White Cabbage*

4 Sweet Potatoes

1 Pint of Chicken Stock

1 tin of Tomatoes*

Garlic, Curry Powder, Salt, Pepper, Cumin, Coriander Leaf, Chilli Powder (all to taste)


Peel And cube the sweet potatoes, chop all the remaining veg, rinse the chickpeas and rocket.


Here's the good bit....


Put ALL the ingredients in a slow cooker (or stock pot if you aren't a slow cooker addict, like me). Switch on the slow cooker leave it over night.

If you are cooking on the hob obviously DO NOT leave it over night! Cook until veg tender.


take out 3/4 of the veg and blend the rest with a hand blender. Put the veg back in and that's it! Yummy scrummy super easy speed food Curry.


I will warn you it smells like feet when it's cooking and doesn't look so appealing but it's lush


*speed foods



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