Saturday 4 January 2014

Project 365 Week 1

This year is the year I will succeed in taking a photo every day, don't get me wrong I take a lot of pictures but not EVERYDAY. So I'm taking part in #project365 along with some blogging friends and we've all agreed to try to keep each other going for the whole year (a virtual bum kick when needed if you will) 

So here's my weekly round up.....

We went out when the world was quiet on New Years Day  and came home with a new (unplanned) fishtank for Nermi our 2 year old goldfish and also some new Ikea furniture.  

We've had a lovely meal out followed by wine (well a weak spritzer for me) and After Eights 

Because we are lazy and decided Friday was not a good day to start dieting, we ordered curry which our Golden Child loves.

And today we've spent in a tangled heap of hugs, toys, movies and more hugs. 

I fear I may bore you all next week with pictures of tidy spaces which is all I plan to do in my relatively quiet mornings. 


  1. bless him he is enjoying that food by the looks of it! looking forward to your 365 journey throughout the year! we can do it!!!xx

  2. Love the description of the last pic! Will give you that kick up the bum as joining in too! #Project365

  3. Great Pictures to start off the year! I love how excited he looks with that curry!

  4. Great pictures! Love a family selfie ;) and fancy wine and after eights now!

  5. Lovely family photo. Your son has good taste in food, I love a curry

  6. Lovely first lot of snaps, look forward to seeing next weeks

  7. Harry's favourite is a curry too - he shuns it is it's not hot enough (he is SO like me)

  8. what a really super start to your project 365, i am on the clean up mission next week so my pictures will be like that too x

  9. I think next week we will all be cleaning and tidying! Love the last picture of all of you!

  10. I wish The Boy would eat something that vaguely resembled a curry and rice, he's very good! I do love a good rose spritzer.

    Thanks for linking up to Project 365.

  11. He really does love that curry! Who can blame him though? Great photos.

  12. diets start on a monday anyway! my two wont eat cury either so well done to your little one for tucking in. x

  13. Fantastic photos! I wish my daughter ate her dinner like that, she hardly eats anything, and takes her time too!

  14. Love the curry monster, how fantastic. And of course, love the wine too lol #365

  15. some lovely photos and let me be one of the ones joining in with #Project365 that will need a kick up the derriere sometimes too.
    A day spent cuddling and movies sounds good, I must try it with my lot someday soon.
    I also like the new fishtank x

  16. Now that looks like a boy who enjoys his food! My boy loves 'yellow rice' but won't eat curry.
