Monday 17 August 2015

Pebli Review and Giveaway

I was really excited to be asked to review Pebli with the kids, what is it I hear you ask? Well they say...

"Pebli is a connected pre-school toy from ToysAlive. It uses fun traditional play pieces and a physical play board that interact with a tablet (Tablet not included) to bring the toy to life. Pebli comes with 4 exciting interactive game modes; Story Teller, Game Player, Story Creator and Video Room. The board uses hot spot technology, which means that any actions on the board are translated to the tablet. 99% of all game play is done on the board with the physical characters, so children don’t have to directly interact with the tablet."

Basically it's a really cool way to socialise game play for kids, a perfect compromise in my opinion between allowing kids screen time but stopping them becoming disconnected and encouraging imaginative play with ACTUAL toys.Suitable from age 3 and up and between 1 and 4 players this is a perfect family activity. Most of the game play happens on the board rather than the tablet. So by moving the charachcters around the 'hotspots' you interact with the game. Pebli has 4 interactive stories with more than 20 endings, 4 games and 200 video all child freindly and all relating to the characters.. The box contains, 4 characters, A doctor, fire officer, artist and chef. a play board and buildings that slot into the board.

It is really easy to set up, you just download the Pebli app, switch on blue tooth, unpack your Pebli Town, press the button and you are off and running! So simple even technophobe me managed no problem



Pebli Town is priced at 59.99 which makes it quite a purchase for a computer game but, my kids really enjoy playing with this, even Termite who's not yet 2, they played together so actually that money is divided by 3, and the games are educational with loads of different ways to interact and play, so while i would normally peg computer games in the 'we dont buy them' category. this is much more than that so I think as a joint gift for my family this is a good present.


I'm really pleased to tell you that we have been given a pebli town set to give away (tablet not included) so just enter via the raffle copter below.


a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. My daughter would be using it and I'm sure she would love it

  2. My son would like playing thanks

  3. My son would absolutely love this :)

  4. This looks great - a perfect summer holiday game! Would be used by all 3 of my eldest children I think! Thanks for linking up with #TriedTested

  5. My granddaughter Skye aged 6

  6. my son - he would love to try it

  7. My 3 year old Monkey would really love this :) hope we win, thank you for hosting xx

  8. I would give this to my nephew as my own daughters are just a little too old for the age range on this, but I think he would love it!

  9. I must admit I really can't decide about this one - like you I'm not a computer game type person and don't think my kids really need encouraging to spend even more time with their tablets yet I can see the appeal. Talk about on the fence!
    Thanks for sharing your review on #TriedTested this week x

  10. who will be using Pebli town if you win . . . . . my grandson

  11. This would be for my grandson.

  12. My daughter would be using it she loves creating stories x

  13. My two sons would both enjoy playing with this x

  14. A wonderful pressie for my niece :)

  15. I would give it to my niece!
    Digicats {at} Sbcglobal {dot} Net

  16. It would be used by my two girls :)

  17. My god son it's his birthday soon

  18. Sharon Hopkinson24 August 2015 at 10:31

    My little boy ��

  19. It will be for my Grandson Jake

  20. My daughter and her cousins would love it.

  21. my youngest sons Jamie and Bradley

  22. My Niece and Nephew

  23. My daughters Isabella and Alice

  24. My Grand-daughter Ruby

  25. My son and daughter would probably share (or fight over) it!

  26. Isabell Whitesntall25 August 2015 at 17:34

    My grandson who is 3

  27. My son and daughter, they would love it.

  28. My 4 and 5 year old son and daughter

  29. My grandchildren will share it.

  30. My daughter would be playing with it

  31. It would be for my granddaughter.

  32. My son and daughter would both use it.

  33. My lovely nephew

    Kelly Ellen Hirst

  34. my little nephew would love this

  35. My daughter would love this x

  36. My 5year old son love this. He is always on his tablet and this would be ideal for him x

  37. My little boy will be using it, he loves the iPad so would love this!

  38. nice for my friends young child.

  39. The youngest little person and I will be playing this together.

  40. This would be for my daughter :-)
