Thursday 9 January 2014

Thankful Thursday Week 2

Welcome back to my weekly Linky. I hope you can link up and share what you are thankful for this week, a story, a sentence or just a picture, its always good to find our silver linings.

This week I'm really grateful for my mummy friends. Ive mentioned them before but they deserve another shout out today, you see I'm part of a facebook community of mums, some of whom are fellow bloggers who are always there to give a cheer or a kind word, plenty of advice and lots of chat. I've found this week tough, the early (dark) mornings and the school run as well as a humongous To Do list has left me feeling a little overwhelmed, but a quick chat with the lovely ladies has made me feel less alone and put things into perspective. 



  1. its fab to have friends like this!i feel the same! i wouldn't know what to do without you all!! xx

  2. Friends are so important in life. Thanks for the invite, have lined up my reviewe of the year with so many thanks in there

  3. I have needed the same community many many times. You all know who you are, and I love you all xx

  4. Couldn't have said it better myself, its nice to share the love, life and laughs with a group of friends, wherever they may be!

  5. How lovely! Totally agree. So pleased you feel better x

  6. Group hug xxx
    Love our little group....we all rock and together we rule!!!

  7. Thank you for hosting this blog hop. My post isn't a strictly 'thankful thursday' post but it is all about the one person I am most thankful for in my life, my baby boy :)

    Fiona @
