Thursday 30 January 2014

Thankful Thursday Week 5

Welcome back to my weekly Linky. I hope you can link up and share what you are thankful for this week, a story, a sentence or just a picture, its always good to find our silver linings.

As you know last week I lost my 'Grandad' , well this week saw his funeral and whilst there I listened to a service about his life; how 4 children had led to 14 grandchildren and 13 Great grandchildren, all of whom spoke fondly of him and gathered together to look after one another, to find comfort together,,,, so this week I am thankful for my family, I'm grateful that I am blessed with a wonderful husband and brilliant kids, and for the family I have spent today with who count me as part of thier own and who are large and noisy and funny and crazy and just plain fabulous.
Adventures of A Monkeyfooted Mummy

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  1. I'm so sorry about your Grandad. Always cherish the wonderful memories you spent together. I have linked up a picture of my boys, the two people I am most thankful in life. Thanks for hosting.

    Fiona @

  2. I'm so sorry for your loss. Lovely post to remind us to be thankful for what's really important. Best wishes to you and all the family.

  3. Xx a tough week but he would have been proud of you all
