Thursday 2 January 2014

Winter Bucket List

The lovely Colette at We're Going On An Adventure has been sharing her bucket lists with us and it's been lovely to read, so we decided to link up our own bucket list for the next couple of months. 

January and February Bucket List
  • See a post Christmas Pantomime We are huge theatre fans and a local drama group put on a late panto every year, so this year we are going to support them.'Oh yes we are'!!!
  • Prepare the Garden of EnglishAlthough it seems strange to think of it so early, February is a great time to start planting the spring flowering bulbs like daffodils, tulips and snow drops. As well as tidying all the winter debris away.
  • Make some Valentine CraftsIt's cheesy I know but we love crafting and it's nice to have a theme, so hearts flowers and lots of red are on the menu
  • Successfully make Pancakes!I hate to admit this, but, I can't make batter based items! I bake cracking cakes, brilliant bread and perfect pies but pancakes and Yorkie puds are just beyond me no matter what I try I fail at batter so 2014 will be our year of the Pancake!
  • Winter walks. -and plenty of them. I love bundling up and taking a walk to the parks or beaches we have nearby and it saves on cabin fever! 
  • Start SwimmingThis is for the kids, after a bumpy patch and declarations of not wanting to swim anymore both big kids have had a short break but are ready to re-start their lessons 
  • Start Dancing  Holly started dancing when she was just 3 but something knocked her confidence and after weeks of trying to encourage her back we gave up and stopped the lessons, she has now decided tap dancing is for her so we will start that next week 
Whats on your bucket list, I would love to hear your plans.

1 comment:

  1. Oh I'd LOVE to go to a panto! Might have to add that to my Winter Bucket List next year!
    Thanks for linking up :) x
