Wednesday 29 January 2014

Five Months

So today we became a full 5 months old! We can now sit up very nicely with support, find our feet, sing songs (these are especially lyrical at around 4am!!) and belly-laugh! Termite has always been a relaxed and pleasant baby, she's very alert and is quite content to watch the world go by, smiling and gurgling to people as they pass. We get loads of comments on how good she is, how quiet and happy. 

This month we have used the following things A LOT....

Skip hop change bag - it's so spacious it fit everything I need in it.

Tots bots - again these are my most favourite cloth nappy, so user friendly easily washed and dried and so far not a single leak.

iZi Go Car Seat - I'm reviewing this for Nursery Trader and it's really amazing do funky but also really well designed you can read my thoughts here.

Frugi Nursing Dress - I really struggle to find reasonably priced nice nursing clothes and so find myself with a 'capsule wardrobe ' meaning this dress is worn A LOT 

Amber Anklet - we were sent this a while ago to review and have now truly put it through its paces watch out for a review and competition next week! 

This next month will see us prepare and begin to wean as Termite has already started showing signs of readiness we've some lovely reviews coming up for food, recipes, book, cutlery and accessories

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