Wednesday 1 January 2014

Resolution Number 1 .... Beauty Regime

A long time ago in a life not too far from this one I spent a lot of time and money (I mean a lot ) on buying and using cosmetics. I was a sucker for Dior, Clarins, Mac, Benefit you name it I loved it. 

Now though I don't, for many reasons...

I don't spend as much time mooching around department stores. No longer faced with the latest must haves, I don't really splurge anymore.

I no longer work and so, without as much expendable income, I can no longer justify the cost of lots of the beauty products I used to buy.

I can't tell you the last time I read a magazine and so, again, I'm sort of out of touch with the latest products. 

And finally, and this is the real big one, by the time I've gotten to the end of the day and the kids are in bed I tend to veg out and forget my lovely collection of pampering products lying unloved in the bathroom. 

But tonight I have decided 'no more neglect'. I mean seriously how long does it take to have a quick face scrub a slap of moisturiser and some hand care? Not long at all! Let's be honest as well, I'm no spring chicken and I need to seriously start giving my skin a helping hand. 

So January personal pledge number one ... I WILL CLEANSE,  TONE, AND MOISTURISE DAILY, who knows before the month is out I may even be wearing make up again!

1 comment:

  1. I hear you! I know my regime falls by the wayside with a new baby in the house!
