Thursday 2 January 2014

Thankful Thursday-Week 1

I decided I would try my hand at a little linky...

I'm thankful every day for my blessings, because I do believe I'm blessed. I have a beautiful and brilliant family, amazing friends and a roof over our heads food on the table and clothes on our back. 

But each Thursday I'm going to share thanks for something, and I would love it if you would like to link up too. It can be a picture, a few words, or a long and rambling post, anything you like. 

So this Thursday I am thankful for ....

School holidays, I love lazy mornings without the rush and stress of school runs, I love spending time with my children and not having a strict routine, and I'm thankful we still have 4 days left before school starts. 


  1. I was definitely thankful for school holidays this morning - or more accurately the lack of school run!

    1. You were in my thoughts when I wrote this, I know we share a similar morning stress;-)

    2. We certainly do. I'm nervous about Monday but DETERMINED he's not going to school through the front door next week lol. Hopefully I'll get my routine a bit more nailed! x

  2. Fab linky and a great thing to be grateful for, I'm not looking forward to the alarm going off on Monday!! x

  3. Lovely reason... my reason to be thankful is the same as yours!! A well deserved rest indeed :)
    I joined in the linky x

  4. I'm a bit late for this! Will join in next week though x
