Monday 6 July 2015

KiqPlan and Fitbug, Getting Me Muddy! Plus Giveaway

So a while ago I signed up for The Pretty Muddy 5k race in aid of Cancer Research UK. I'm not a natural runner so I need all the help I can get with training. So when I was offered the chance to trial a training plan with Fitbug and Kiqplan.


The Fitbug measure your steps, cardio sleep and calories burned in a clever little app linked to an 'orb' that can be worn like a watch or clipped /hanging on your clothes.


The Kiqplan is another app that links with your fitness tracker ( It's compatible with most of the leading fitness trackers) it gives you daily goals and work outs over 12 weeks to get you moving towards your goal (in my case the Pretty Muddy Race aFor Life)


I love how easy it is to follow the plan, I love the detail you get both on the training plan and Fitbug app. It tells you how much sleep you got (never enough) and how many times you woke up, how many calories you've burned and the training plan specifically lists how long you should run/walk. How many of each exercise you should do, there's videos and recipes and lots of inspiration.


I really love the challenge of doing more steps on the fit bug the day before and I love that I get to tick off each activity in the kiqplan app (but seriously who doesn't love ticking something off a list?!)


Kiqplan offer different training plans too like Beer Belly Blast, Healthy Baby Bump, Slim and Trim and Suns out Guns Out! Next on my list is the Goodbye Baby Bump! One would imagine that I'd have said goodbye to it already but I haven't so any help is appreciated! If you'd like to join me in my training I have a Goodbye Baby Bump App activation code to giveaway, simply enter via the rafflecopter for your chance to win

a Rafflecopter giveaway


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If you are a Blogger based in the North East of England why not ask to join our Facebook network by clicking the image below.NE Bloggers

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Prize does not include fitness tracker, UK only, no alternative will be offered, decision is final, winner must accept prize in writing within 7 days







  1. Elizabeth Hinds11 July 2015 at 12:56

    I go to the gym a couple of times a week :)

  2. i dont do any exercise unfortunately x

  3. By TRX training and boxing.x

  4. playing with my children

  5. I go cycling a lot at the moment

  6. Cycling (& Running For Buses / Trains)

  7. I walk every day and try to go jogging a couple of times a week, when not pregnant that is, currently crippled by pelvic pain so exercise non-existent

  8. Am starting cycling - running around after my toddler - I also want to find a class to do as well

  9. Swimming when I get the chance but mostly gardening and cleaning and running round after a 3 year old always helps ;-)

  10. I try and do lots of walking with my toddler and new baby

  11. I have a 2 year old and work in a nursery, so I have no choice but to be active.
