Wednesday 22 January 2014

NappyKind Legwarmer Review and Giveaway

Baby leg warmers ? What's that all about then? I see lots of my mummy friends raving about them but I have to admit to not really seeing the point for girls, I mean pop a pair of tights on and job done.


I actually quite love them, you see it means I can show off our cute cloth bottoms and change our nappies dead easily without the faff of taking tights on and off. 

So we had a little peruse of the NappyKind website and we chose a lovely cream pair with little hearts all over, they go on easily and look very cute...

They washed well in the washing machine and there was no shrinkage which is always a good thing . They are great to go under trousers as an extra layer and I think they will be brilliant in the upcoming 'crawling months'

The website also have a lovely selection of shoes, clothes and gifts. 

I have two pairs of these to give away simply enter via rafflecopter below.
a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. We love legwarmers, they make nappy changes so easy! Thanks for linking up with #TriedTested

  2. i started off hating these but after some time i am loving them they have some fab designs!

  3. I love the idea of these for potty training Chloe - she's not so keen on them at the moment though,
    Thanks for linking up this week
