Saturday 25 January 2014

Project 365 days 19-25

So heading fast into the last week of January, and onto February (that's nearly springtime, don't you know) we've had a mixed old week...

19 - Selfies with my littlest lady.
20 - Termite finds  her toes.

21 - Funny faces whilst having horse rides on mammy's knees. 
22 - My lovely Grandad George 

23 - So begins the clean out of 'the room of doom'.
24 - Rocking some Robot Jim Jams 
25 - Termite practising sitting up with Elmo

TheBoyandMe's 365 Linky


  1. How cute is she - love the piccy of her finding her toes, with her cute fluffy bum :-)

  2. loving the jim jams and how cute does she look checking out elmo!!! great pics x

  3. The last photo is my fav! Too cute! #project365

  4. love the finding the feet, my daughter got hand and feet finders for the twins that she puts on their ankles and wrists and they rattle and squeak. That Elmo picture is brilliant, she is watching with such concentration

  5. We love Elmo here
    The toes pic is adorable - little cutie

  6. Love the pic of her playing with her toes!

  7. We all have a room of doom don't we? Or at least a cupboard or drawer lol

    1. At the moment we have a room an attic and a drawer!!!

  8. I was cleaning up my own "room of doom" today. It's a wonder to me that my kids can make such a complete mess of the toy room and still be content to play in there!

    Love your baby's chubby cheeks! What a cutie!

  9. awww some lovely photos this week honey x
