Tuesday 2 June 2015

Brewers Fayre Half Term May-hem

Today we went along to Brewers Fayre at Royal Quays to sample their school holiday entertainment. For half term they were running 'May-hem' an activity morning from 9.30-11.30 with a free balloon. See brewers Fayre have figured out that a perfect combo is soft play, arts and crafts, outdoor play and food! they aren't far wrong, I'm a huge fan of outdoor fun but sometimes (especially when you have the company of one of your fabulous mummy friends) its nice to have a chat while the kids play.


We were greeted by a friendly chap who opened a tab for our drinks and food (at our request) and pointed us in the direction of the activities. We played a while with the activity sheets and spot the differences provided in the activity area. The activity area was set aside in a corner near the soft play, close to the fenced in out-door play area. From 9.30 until 11.30 a member of staff is on hand to help with colouring, crafting and supervision of the supplies.

When we'd had quite enough of being creative it was time to hit the soft play, now its not huge but there was sufficient enough to keep our tribe (ages 6.5, 5.5, 5 and 1.5yrs) happy and entertained, with tunnels, a slide, puzzle blocks and a couple of climbing levels. Sadly the mummies were getting hungry which we know means that fairly soon the kids would go from play to hunger meltdown in a matter of minutes so we decide to choose our food, the menu has loads of choice and some special offers to so there's something to meet most budgets. The children's menu had a great selection which didn't just consist of beige food with chips thankfully although my children ordered all the stuff we don't normally have at home like burgers hotdogs and doughnuts!


There was quite a queue of other parents waiting to order but magically more staff appeared and we got served really quickly. We decided to have a play outside while we waited for our food as there was probably going to be a delay given the number of orders that went in together.


The food was just as it should have been, a decent prtion size and whilst it wouldnt win any Gourmet awards it was hot tasty and well presented, on par with a home cooked meal which is no mean feat when you are effectively producing 'fast food' without it actually being Fast Food.


We did wait quite a while for desert which had been ordered at the same time we ordered the mains and the kids started to get a bit antsy as they had sat so well for quite some time. But they went down a storm when they did arrive. We order 2 kids Burger and Chips, 1 kids hotdog and chips, 1 Kids bolognese, 3 doughnut deserts, 1 smothered chicken and a chicken tikka balti, with 2 unlimited refill diet cokes, and 4 fruit shoots and the whole lot came to under £40! to feed 6 people and


We had plans for the afternoon so had to leave quite quickly but I think, if we had let them, the kids would have stayed and played in the soft play and outdoor play longer.


Overall we thought we had a great value morning, to be able to play from 9.30-1130 then eat two courses and a drink and then play some more and come home with a new Beano and a ballon each for an average of £6.31 seems like a great deal to me. It would have been nice to see maybe more space dedicated to the craft area, with some stickers and perhaps pencils rather than crayons for the big kids.


Ive been reliably informed that Brewers Fayre will be hosting more holiday activities in the summer holidays so you should definitely go sign up to hear all the latest news from them, you can even register for a loyalty card and get money off your fist meal.

You can connect with Brewers Fayre




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  1. I have not visited here for years , it sounds like my toddler would love it though x

  2. We went here ages ago when my son was smaller and he loved it. Great to know they are still doing these activities

  3. It's been years since we visited. Alas my son is too old for things like this now, but it's great to know that places are catering for kids with suitable activities to keep them entertained.

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