Wednesday 22 June 2016

Happy 6th Birthday to The Golden Child

Oh my gorgeous boy, how can it be that you are 6?

I feel sad because 6 sounds so grown up and yet in my heart you are still my little baby, I can still carry your warm sleepy body back to bed and I can still sneak in and kiss your sweaty head while you sleep giggling while I listen to you snore or talk in your sleep. You still climb into my bed in the night for reassurance that you aren't alone and I can still make everything feel better with a cuddle! But those years are going too fast and I'm sure that soon enough (far too soon for me) you wont want to hold my hand o cuddle in for movie night and that is not something I wish to think about. If only I could bottle each passing year to save for the future!

You are such an awesome little man so funny and kind full of laughter and joy.

You are a sensitive soul and still content to just be with Dad or I happy to sit on our knee or in the 'middle' (that's the coveted spot of curing up on the puoffe between dads feet, insane I know but as important as can be at  Monkeyfeet HQ) . You are kind and funny and love to build and play on your tablet, in fact I think if we left you with your tablet and no restrictions you wouldn't even notice if we danced around the living room covered in feathers!

I love how you ruffle your baby sisters hair every single time you pass her, how you hug her tight when you come home from school and how you love to teach her things and show her things. I love how you still see your big sister as the best thing since sliced bread and you still want to play with her every single day. You are patient and passionate kind and caring and you are the sweetest most lovely little man ever in the world. Don't ever change you gentle ways my boy they are a traits that will stand you well in a world of toughness.

I love you more than all the sweeties in the world, all the sand on the beach and all the salt in the sea! Happy Birthday to our Golden Child


1 comment:

  1. Aww! He sounds such a lovely boy!
    Happy Birthday! I hope he's had a fab day x
