Tuesday 31 December 2013

2013 Round Up

As I sit here in my PJ's waiting to see if I stay awake to see midnight, with my children sleeping peacefully, my belly full of Chinese takeaway, I can reflect happily on a lovely year. 

This year saw the arrival of our beautiful Termite, completing our family and best of all I achieved my dream of a home birth as she was born at home peacefully and happily. 

Our peanut started reception and has blossomed and learned lots and lots including how to read which I'm puffed with pride to say she is really good at.

The Golden Child has started nursery and we've seen him grow in confidence developing friendships independent of his big sister, and turning into a real chatter box. 

Personally I'm proud of my blog, it may not be huge yet but my followers are growing and I feel pleased to have been approached by some amazing companies to review their products.

I'm sure we must have been through some lows but all in all our 2013 has rocked and I hope we can continue through 2014 as happily as we have been. Happy New Year to you all. I hope all of your dreams come true. 


  1. Hsppy new yesr darling. Really wanting chinese now :)

    Did you make midnight? I did just. .

    Thanks for linking up

  2. Happy new year - what a fab 2013 you've had and Im sure 2014 is going to see everything continuing the same way. Heres to a fn filled 2014!

  3. Happy New Year, what a great 2013. Hope 2014 is heading the same way :-)
