Wednesday 3 December 2014

Mins Move Book Review

Ever thought of upping sticks and moving across the world? We have, and we talk frequently about having an adventure. Spartacus grew up in some far away places (well they don't seem so far away now that you can fly almost everywhere easily) and he has fond memories of the lifestyle and cultural differences. So as his work could be done anywhere and technically I just need internet and something to type on then we really could be anywhere! So the opportunity to spend some time living in a different country is very very real. But as a parent you have to consider the effect this will have on your children first and foremost.

The lovely people over at Move Hub have helped more than 45,000 families abroad, a figure which is growing each year as more and more companies work internationally.So they have created Mins Move so that, parents can make any move become an exciting adventure together.

What They Say

Min’s Move has been developed with child psychologists and illustrators to give both children and their parents an easy way to tackle the difficult and emotional issues surrounding a big move, after finding that more and more families were struggling with the transition.

From making new friends, to exploring new areas, to leaving your first home; Min’s Move finds a sensitive and enjoyable way to discuss feelings and prepare for the move, all within a colourful and engaging bedtime read.

For parents, there is a section with questions they can ask their children, and suggestions about ways to ease their kids through the process; such as talking about exciting places near their new home, introducing them to other children before they start school, and planning several goodbye parties to lessen the shock.
Throughout the book, Min and her brother Max learn more about the new place they will move to, become curious about new friends they can make and their confusion turns to excitement as they begin to understand the process and think what their new lives will be like.


What We Say


The book has lots of information about the people who helped create it and lots of questions and activities to work on together and the story is lovely, it really does make you feel the same as a child must, Min is obviously very nervous and has lots of questions in her head and concerns that may not even occur to us as parents.I think its sometimes hard to really put yourself in the mind of a little person, no matter how hard we try. There were parts of the book when I got a little emotional but its actually really lovely and positive. There are a lots of descriptive explanations about moving and packing and learning about your new country. I really think this book would be a valuable and effective tool to use in the plan for any move, not just those around the world!

MYou can get a copy of Min's Move here and you can connect with Move Hub on Facebook and Twitter





1 comment:

  1. That sounds like a great book for helping children to adjust to such a big move x
