Thursday 18 December 2014

Christmas At Seven Stories

This weekend we took a family trip to Seven Stories to take part in their Father Christmas at Seven Stories event. The event is not included in your admission price, and is priced at £6 to attend just the event or £12 to take part in the event and take advantage of all the Centre has to offer.
We arrived early and were issued admission stickers. I enquired as to where we should go and was directed to the correct floor. When we got there we saw no signs to point us to the man in red so we waited for a while then went in search of an elf. A bit of reassurance that we should just hang about and a short while later an Elf arrived to take our names and lead us to a spacious room with cushions on the "snow" (a big white sheet which set the wintery scene), lit up trees and lovely decorations added to the ambience.
And then the fun began, shy Rose Elf scooted around the edge of the room concerned we may want to eat her, she's never met human children before so wasn't sure, she introduced us to Bandersnatch her fellow elf friend. Then we played some snowy games, listened to a lovely story and sang some songs, a bit more play and it was time to try to get Santa to come see us. Much yelling and there he was, and a good Santa too, jolly and dressed in a sumptuous costume (not a naff polyester job) he chatted about his work, checked his nice list to make sure the kids were all on it and then whilst the elves gave out gifts of books he came to chat to all the kids individually, then posed for pictures chatting some more to everyone.
We had lots of fun and the session lasted an hour so I feel it was good value, there was lots of activity and a nice book to take home and the kids thought it was funny, entertaining, fun and different. They loved 'snowball' fighting and bouncing story characters on the lycra (any parent who's been to any sort of parent-child music session will be aware of the magical powers of a massive piece of Lycra and some songs!)
"Rose and Bandersnatch" were brilliantly enthusiastic lots of fun and totally convincing, Rose was patient and fun and included all the children in the games she really made the event special for everyone. My only improvement for the event would be a bit more signage to say where Santa would be.

I think it's advisable to upgrade to include admission to the rest of Seven Stories as there's lots to do and see and that would mean making a whole day of the visit. Don't forget to visit the book shop while you are there , it is AMAZING. Stuffed full of brilliant books and toys and stationery ooh I just love it!
There are still spaces available for Father Christmas Visits this coming week and you can book online you can also connect with Seven Stories on Facebook or Twitter
The Centre organise lots of events and have offered us tickets to giveaway for what is sure to be a popular one... frozen Sing-a-long Spectacular in February to be in with a chance of winning simply fill in the rafflecopter below and we will draw a winner from the correct entries.
a Rafflecopter giveaway

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