Tuesday 9 December 2014

Get Santa at Northern Stage - Review

Peanut and I popped along to press night for Get Santa at Northern Stage this past Saturday, I know I know check us out attending a press event, we are super powered bloggers now!


Get Santa title




The show was brilliant, I have to say that first off because right from the very start I kept thinking of things I wanted to say in my review, like how gorgeous the set was, how amazingly funny and narrative Paula Penman's (she's Mum) facial expressions are, I swear she doesnt need to say a single word, although Im pleased she does. How Gran (Jane Holman) epitomises every Nana on christmas day, how far beyond me it is that Evil Ted (Scott Turnbull) manages to perform with such gusto in his costume without flaking out, how Holly Finnigan (Tessa Parr) could have modelled her character on my precious and spirited daughter (and probably yours as well) and how Bernard (Gary Kitching) has won the heart of my girl who keeps alternating between impressions of him and Holly! Honestly there are a hundred more things I'd like to tell you as well, but some of them got muddled in my head, some of the things I want to tell you would spoil the story and I really really don't want to do that! So let me go back to basics (thankyou Mrs Boyle, High School Drama Teacher) and see if I can tell you all the bits you need to know


The set is a cross between a house and a giant advent calendar, cleverly used throught the performance for musical interludes. The costumes are beautifully designed and perfectly fitting to the characters. The story follows the tale of ten year old Holly who wants only one thing for Christmas, her real Dad. She has never asked for anything else from Santa not ever, and has always tried to be good. But Santa has not delivered and so Holly is cross and has hatched a plan to "Get Santa"! She will then make him tell her where her father is.

Theres just one tiny hitch in her plan, Santa has sent his son Bumblehole (Tom Walton) instead. Cue some magical mistakes, slapstick scenes, a giant teddy , a determined dog, oh did I mention Holly's stepdad is a Dog? Add a magic beard and you have a recipe for a right raucous Northern Stage Christmas.

There are songs, magic, dancing snow people, an evil teddy, news reporters (rather humuourous cameo appearances by BBC Look North’s Sharuna Sagar and ITV Tyne Tees and Good Morning Britain presenter Rachel Sweeney) and Christmas cheer aplenty.

As you know from previous reviews, we have always loved and stayed loyal to the under 6's show at Northern Stage because of its perfect suitability for my little people. So on Saturday I decided to leave The Golden Child at home in case this show was a little too old for him, this was a mistake! At four and a half I really think he would have loved the show and sat through it no problem there was so much to see and its so fast paced and funny that he would have loved it. So it looks like we will be seeing two Christmas Shows as a family this year!

Tickets are priced from £14.50 to £24 and are availble here or by calling the Box office on 0191 2305151 you can connect with Northern Stage on Facebook or Twitter




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