Saturday 20 December 2014

Mini Scientist Mission 3

It's been a while since we last undertook a mission but we've been doing lots of work behind the scenes! This week we have been chatting with life about good science based toys for Christmas, or for anytime really because science is for life not just for Christmas (sorry I couldn't resist!) so courtesy of our brilliant boffins at Life Science Centre here are our top ten Science toys ....

Life’sTop 10 Science-themed Christmas Presents 2014

1) Aurora Northern Lights Projector - £29.95

Prepare to be dazzled as this sleek and compact gadget projects thebeautiful Northern Lights (Aurora Borealis) across the room. It alsoprojects the Southern Lights (Aurora Australis), the lesser-knowncounterpart to the Northern Lights. A quirky and attractive item forthe science and nature lover in your life, sit back and enjoy thelight-display.

2) Kitchen ScienceKit - £12.95

You don’t need fancy,expensive equipment to experiment like a real scientist! KitchenScience teaches kids how to perform science in their own homes, withcool experiments such as launching a rocket with vinegar power,building a fingerprinting kit and powering a clock with nothing morethan fruit and veg!

3)Body and Bones Kit - £8.50

This fun and educational kit helpsteach kids about the structure of the human body. They can build askeleton, mould a human skull and learn about different organs- allfor less than £9.00! The kit includes a card skeleton with stand, 2packs of magic dough, an internal organ play mat, a skull mould, 3pots of paint with a brush and a set of spooky bone stickers; plentyto keep the kids entertained.

4) Dream Jar -£10.95

Mood lighting at itsfinest, the hypnotic Dream Jar is solar powered and gently glows withsoothing light. Simply leave it in a sunny spot during the day, andthen shake to activate and enjoy the soft glow lighting up any room.Convenient and portable.


5) Cuddly Microbes – £8.95

These adorable little critters aren’t as cute as they seem. Theyrepresent huge versions of the microbes that cause a wide variety ofillnesses and afflictions. From left to right, Kissing Disease (firstpic) Bad Breath, Kissing Disease and Measles (second pic).

6) Salt WaterPowered Car - £8.95

Discover the amazingproperties of salt water with this toy car kit. This interactive giftallows children to build and fuel the car, whilst learning aboutenergy and electricity. The recommended age is 10 and upwards.


7) Rocket LauncherKit - £10.95

Make your own rocketsand watch them fly through the sky! These foam rockets may not quitereach outer space, but kids can certainly have fun trying. Kitcontains materials to build foam rockets, as well as launch pad andfoot pad – stamp on it to launch your rockets!


8)GaltFirst Octons – £6.99

This set contains 48octagonal interlocking blocks in six bright colours and is an idealfirst construction toy. It helps teach children about structure,shapes and engineering by allowing them to craft whatever they canimagine. Build spaceships, animals, and people – nothing is offlimits with this toy!

9) Gyrobot: The Science of Gyroscopes –£39.99

This impressive set allows kids to build a variety of robots andmodels whilst developing their understanding of gyroscopes, physicsand engineering. The kit contains 109 pieces for creating 7 differentmodels, including a robot that can balance and move across atightrope (pretty impressive). The recommended age is for 8yrs plus,although the engineering components may be trickier for youngerusers. The kit comes with a full-colour instruction manual.

10) Bug Safari –£9.99

Withthis set, kids can catch and study mini-beasts to their heart’scontent. This professional-standard kit comes with a Fieldlens, Bug tongs, Viewing pot with magnifier lid, Brush, Tweezers anda 20-page Colour Activity Guide written by wildlife expert NickBaker. Perfect for helping buddingscientists to catch,study and identify common mini-beasts ingardens, in parks or in the countryside.

Don't forget that with a Life annual pass you can get 10% off loads of science goodies in the gift shop, so you still have time for those last minute gifts. Keep an eye out for our Skating @ Life review coming soon, and another great giveaway too 









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