Wednesday 11 December 2013

Secret Diary of Smelf The Elf on The Shelf part 2

Monday 9th December 

Last night I climbed the curtains and propped myself on the curtain pole, oh how the kids got a shock when the mummy one opened the curtains they laughed and laughed. The mummy one hasn't put the decorations up yet, such a Scrooge, so I'm going to add a little festive cheer tonight..

Tuesday 10th  December 

I met a fish called Nermie today he lives with the Monkeyfooted ones. I hung out by his tank and had a chat, The boy child is really good at finding me though and noticed straight away, his mummy thinks he's really good at noticing new things and claims she can never get away with anything. I think she's talking about when she sneakily eats sweets in the kitchen, I must go find her stash of sweets soon, maybe I will share them with the kids...

Wednesday 11th December 

Ha ha I found the stash and ate some. I didn't share it with the kids though because the boy child caught me and told his mum grr

Thursday 12th  December 

Last night I crept into all the bedrooms and put up some little trees to cheer all the children up. They are getting so excited for Christmas but mummy claims it's making them crazy loons! I think she says that because they don't seem able to sit still and quite often don't settle straight to sleep on a night.

Friday 13th December  

Today I made stars for the children out of thier drinking straws, they thought they were great and the mummy one helped them make some more, she said they can hang them up when the tree goes up. She's being rather slow getting the tree up this year though! 

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