Friday 6 December 2013

Secret Shopping

For many many years I worked in Customer focused environments, I'm passionate about good service and bad service boils my blood! That said I would like to say to anyone who works in customer service... WELL DONE! The general public can be completely bonkers, rude, insane, difficult, hysterical and totally stupid. The job is tough yet fun so when I became a SAHM I started looking at becoming a Secret Shopper, it would mean being rewarded for something I do anyway, and it means I still get to have an effect on Customer Services ( yes yes I found it hard to adjust to not being a worker anymore OK!)

I signed up with MarketForce which is a really simple process, you give them details, and then check back to see if there are any assignments suitable for you. So far we have eaten out in local restaurants, had some fast food, shopped some clothing stores and supermarkets and even reported on airport services. There are always lots of opportunities and we make money as well as having most of our costs covered.

When you have completed the assignment you fill out a questionnaire online then you get paid directly to your bank, SIMPLES.

I really enjoy my assignments and it means we get to try things we maybe wouldn't have normally If you are interested in trying it out you can sign up through my refferal link  here.

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