Monday 30 December 2013

Four Months!!! Where did that go?

Christmas Day saw my Termite become exactly 4 months! I can't believe it, the time has flown by. I know its cliche but I feel like I blinked and the last four months  has gone!

In the last four months my girl has learned to smile, grab, giggle, gurgle, chatter, roll and melt our hearts. 

She has been instrumental in my learning some very important things..

  • Its not worth stressing the small stuff
  • The housework will still be there tomorrow 
  • Baby cuddles pass too quickly and should be grabbed and savoured
  • It is possible to cook dinner, help with homework, load the dishwasher and breast feed all at the same time (not easy, but possible)
  • Relaxed mummy's = relaxed baby's
  • Three is really the perfect number (for us and for now anyway!) 
I've also discovered some brilliant items in the last four months, we have loved and well used our snugglebundl despite not having a C-section I still found it helpful for moving Termite around,  Tots Bots Easy Fit  have become our nappy of choice. they are so easy to use and sooooo cute, and my Close Baby Carrier has been amazing, so helpful when you are busy and want to keep baby close.
I'm sure the next four months will whizz by too, in a flurry of baby massage, weaning, mummy groups, mamalates and splash and sing. I cant wait!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for this a little cutie and good to see having 3 kids is good fun (and survivable) :-)
