Monday 2 December 2013

How Did That Happen

Five years ago at this very moment I was sitting in a side room of our local hospital looking in awe at a teeny scrunched up pointy headed little girl. 

In what feels like the blink of an eye we have just watched her open her birthday presents before packing her off to school. SCHOOL!!! My baby has grown so fast into a super clever, kind, caring, loving, funny, dramatic, creative, dress loving, singing and dancing, amazing little girl.

As a friend recently and very correctly said to me 'when you have you children the days may seem long but the years are short' and by is she right I know the next 5 years are going to whizz by so I'm going to hold on to every single moment of amazing-ness. 

Now I'm off to sob into my tea thinking about how quickly my kids are growing! I love hearing from you all so don't forget to leave me a comment. 

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