Wednesday 18 March 2015

#Mummymakeover Weekly Weigh In - Week 9

Eesh it's been so long since we chatted! So I missed last weeks weigh in, in favour of watching my boy perform in his assembly, but in all honesty I'd had a back week leading up to that and I took the options to hide my head in the sand instead of going to my Slimming World class.

I've discovered something about myself these past two week, it seems the more people tell me I'm losing weight the more 'naughty' I'm tempted to be! Honestly I can't even explain it, there's no rhyme or reason to it and I must spend time looking more thoughtfully at why I do this because I seem to be some kind of example of reverse psychology!

It was therefore quite nerve wracking to head in to class this week knowing I could have potentially undone some of my good work.

Thankfully a good week has gotten me back on track (almost) with a 3lb loss! Making 16lb in total. So next week I'm on a mission to at last get close tony 2lb a week average which means I need about a 4lb loss!


Wish me luck....


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