Saturday 14 March 2015

How to Start an Allotment


Week 1

With much excitement and after years of waiting today we trundled of to our new allotment with our box of seeds, potatoes onions and herbs.

In my head we would spend an idyllic morning digging and planting and I would leave with everything safely in the ground....



Of course with three 'helpers' things were not quite as quick as I had envisaged. Trench digging was assisted with big stompy feet climbing all over the excavated mud pushing it back in. Then there was the 'assistance' with digging, I say digging, The Golden Child turned over one piece of mud and declared whilst mopping his brow that he needed a rest! Termite filled the watering can with rocks and Peanut spent her time looking for willow pieces (there are lots of old worn pieces of willow pattern in the earth and she's collecting them to send away for a cup!)

Needless to say our Sunday morning resulted in only one load of potatoes being planted. Let's hope that next time our labours are more fruitful or it'll be autumn by the time we finish sowing and planting !

Follow The Monkeyfooted Mummy








  1. I'm going to following your allotment adventures with interest. I aspire to grow things but haven't had much success so far! X

  2. I am going to love watching your allotment develop - It's great that you're getting the kids involved. Any plans to keep chickens? xx

    1. Ah I would love to but no livestock allowed and we have loads of urban foxes too

  3. Sounds like me doing the garden! Exciting times. Look forward to more allotment tales.
