Monday 16 March 2015

Getting Crafty With Hillarys

Just recently I was invited along to The Hillarys Craft Roadshow to view thier newly launched fabrics and have some fun! The afternoon would also involve tea and biscuits and CRAFT! All good for me, I'm handy* with a sewing machine and there's generally always something being created in Monkeyfeet HQ.
*please note by handy I mean I can work a sewing machine, nothing ever turns out quite like it's supposed to!

We congregated in The a Jazz Cafe in Newcastle, and watched the very talented ladies from The Crafty Hen give a demo of how to make a reusable book cover. It all seemed fairly easy...
  • Choose Some Fabric from the beautiful range (imagine these as blinds! They are gorgeous)
  • Fold the fabric using the book as a template
  • Decorate the fabric, possibly using a wee hand stitched flower (they're very easy we are told)
  • Stitch together and et viola.

Or you can do it the Monkeyfeet Way

  • Fold the fabric around the book (tweet about it)
  • Realise you've folded it too big
  • Fold again
  • Choose some buttons then spend ten minute dithering over where to put them (tweet about it)
  • Attempt a lovely cloth flower and realise you've just managed to create a Barbie shower cap!
  • Now stitch the folds together (it's just a teeny stitch it's not hard)
  • Realise you should have stitched the edges with the book still inside so that the cover actually fits!
  • Re stitch (tweet about it)

  • Look at the beautiful creations everyone else has made and feel slightly inferior
  • Have a Cuppa! (tweet about it)

Next up a fabric bird

  • Cut out fabric using the template (tweet about it)
  • Stitch together (tweet about it)
  • Stuff
  • Et voila.

In reality I cut, stitched and sauntered to the front brandishing an inside out bird awaiting a good stuffing! That's when it all started to unravel, literally. Turning the bird right way out showed some flaws in my stitching, stuffing said bird highlighted even more!

The Top is how it should look, and the botttom is, well thats mine!


My poor bird was coming apart at the seams with stuffing escaping form almost every angle! Luckily with a bit of stitching and held at a distance it sort of looks ok, and Termite called it a 'quack quack' which is enough for me!

Fabric book cover and bird


So to sum up, my crafting skills are exactly as I thought..... My ideas are much better than my execution! I had such fun though so a massive thankyou to Joe Blogs, Crafty Hen and Hillarys and all the other lovely North East Bloggers who helped make the day fab.

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1 comment:

  1. I just love the bottom photo of all the NE bloggers together - I am just really sad that I couldn't make it. I don't actually think your bird looks too bad! xx
