Sunday 29 March 2015

Tots Bots Training Pants Review

Here at Monkeyfeet HQ we are rather huge fans of Tots Bots nappy's.

See having kids has released my latent hippy and I love that my baby's bot is being cared for with gentle fabrics, we aren't contributing to landfill and we are saving a fortune!!! Plus they are so darn cute!


But using them has a rather sad yet brilliant side effect, you see there's talk that cloth bottomed children potty train sooner than those in disposables. This seems true for my termite who is now very aware of what's going on at her bottom! Infact she's been interested in the toilet area for about 3 months now, telling us when she has pooed by saying 'poo and rubbing her tummy. She pretend wipes her bum when she's in the bathroom and she asks for her nappy off when she knows it's wet or dirty. So with sadness I think toilet training is a very very imminent event.


I don't believe in using traditional pull up nappies for potty training, I think they work in the same way as disposables and they mask the feeling of wetness therefore not teaching your little piddler anything at all. Plus they are full of chemicals and a massive contribution to landfill. We've always just gone gung-ho all or nothing nappies off, pants on which has worked for us with the big two when they were aged about 2 yrs and 1 month so I had some hesitation about trying Tots Bots Training Pants incase this was the same, but I'm pleased I gave them an open mind and a fair trial.


We received the Dolly Mixture T-Pants.

Tots Bots Training Pant Dolly Mixture



Right off they are different from our easy fits because they popper together to create a traditional pair of pants instead of the usual very nappy-like velcro of our easy fits. This means they can be pulled on and off like 'big girl' pants but can be opened easily by mummy if its a messy affair!


Flashing her pants in a way that can only be acceptable pre-school!!!

They are also much thinner than easy fits so are much closer to normal 'big girl' pants. They have an extra bit of absorbent cloth in the gusset (eek that word makes me chuckle!) which means accidents stay contained but Termite still knows she has had a wee.

I love the design despite my aversion to pink and girly they are cute as can be and really fun. they are made to the high standards you would expect of Tots Bots and I love that they are British Made!

At £10.99 they are more expensive than heading straight to normal pants, but I think these are a grand idea for days out as it buys you an extra bit of time in the event of an 'accident'. So you can get to a loo before you need a whole wardrobe change, but still in keeping with the idea of not confusing issues with disposables. (Do you see I'm not a fan of disposables?!)

I love that they wash well and air dry quickly and I love more that they arent unkind to the enviroment, my bin still stays free of nappies and given that big brand pull ups are about 25p each and toilet training taking anything up to 6 months the Tots Bots price tag is justified fairly quickly. There's also a good resale for Tots Bots. So it's actually an investment.

Lastly I love how amazing the company is, they are always keen to answer any questions, offer advice and chat about all things nappy and their customer service is brilliant. You can check out their gorgeous new designs here

I'd love to hear which is your favourite design? Do you have any potty training tips? Share them below for our readers. 

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  1. We love totsbots too! Will definitely be giving the training pants a try in the future. I love seeing phitis of nappies in a line! Xx


  2. I would like to thank you for the efforts you have made in writing this article. I am hoping the same best work from you in the future as well..
    TrainingRoom SG


  3. Thanks for taking the time to discuss this, I feel strongly about it and love learning more on this topic.
