Saturday 21 February 2015

#Mummymakeover Week 6 Weigh In

Oh my giddy aunt!


I had a feeling I had lost well this week because due to a nasty bout of tonsillitis I've been living on frozen berries and yoghurt, vegetable soup and soft veg! All free and most Speed foods!


But you could have knocked me over with a feather at this weeks Slimming World Class when I saw that I had lost 5.5lb this week!

Typically this was the first week I've not stayed to class (because of the whole Monkeyfeet team being struck with lurgy) so I said I would collect my STONE AWARD next week! Yes that's right I've lost a nice neat stone in 6 weeks and yes there was actually a happy dance when I leapt off the scales!


I also got the fab news via our lovely class facebook page that I was SLIMMER OF THE WEEK! Eeh I'm sorry for all the capitals but I'm so excited I could scream.

So I'm heading into week 7 with some nerves that returning to normal eating after a week of only soft food may have a negative effect but I'm trying to squash those thoughts and concentrate on my Speed food and staying focused.

See you next week






  1. Good for you, but don't be worried at all - slow and steady wins the race, so I wouldn't be worried if you don't lose as much after a killer week! Do come linkup tomorrow to my All About You linky

  2. Yeah one whole stone is fantastic - keep up your good work. Inspirational xx

  3. Well done lovely. Fantastic news xxx

  4. Whhoooooo!!!! Well done!!! A stone in six weeks is brilliant. Good work. Hope you are over the lurgy :)

  5. congratulations on the weight loss! It sounds like the tonsillitis was nasty - but i suppose at least something positive as a result!

  6. yay well done you, what an achievement!

  7. Excellent - it's such a good feeling when you see weight coming off. Hope you are over the lurgy now :-D

  8. Wow well done lovely that's amazing! xxx
