Friday 13 February 2015

#Mummymakeover - The Final Countdown

This week is my last weigh in of my first six week countdown,  a countdown  is where you buy a voucher for 6 or 12 weeks at a time. Slimming World encourage this because they feel it means you've made a commitment to come to class and stick to plan. So you buy 6 weeks for the price of 5 or 12 for the price of 10 making it less expensive to attend. 

My aim was to have lost 10lb in these 5 weeks of being on plan but last weeks 'blip' may have affected that goal so I'm feeling nervous. I'm not good at not reaching my goals! 

So with only hours to go until weigh in im preparing my review of Slimming World so I can give you all the details, the highs and lows and my honest opinion of the plan, the groups and the food......

See you 'lighter' hopefully 

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