Wednesday 18 February 2015

#Mummymakeover Week 5 Weigh In

A rather late update but I'm afraid Monkeyfeet HQ have been hit by the dreaded Man Flu and alas it's been all about survival! So last week, my fifth weigh in at Slimming World. I'd secretly hoped for a good 3.5lb loss which would bring me back on track for a 2lb a week average. Food wise I've happily had simple speed food dishes while the husband has been away to Germany but I knew that 3.5 was a big ask, even when I lost 3 1/2 stone I never lost more than 2 or 3 lb a week but as you know I believe firmly in the destinatation not the journey as far as weightloss is concerned.

But I'm super pleased to say whilst im not quite back on a 2lb week average I did lose 2lb this week and I did get this......

Yep, no video I'm afraid as absolutely no one needs to hear my snotty croaky voice or see my man-flu face but I'm over the moon to have this little beauty and be 8.5lb lighter! I shall see you all next week.


1 comment:

  1. THIS IS FABULOUS NEWS! Huge well done. I haven't been doing 5:2 this week as I've been too poorly. Hope I don't out on!
